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Remove a managed set from the DataPower appliance manager

We can remove a managed set from the DataPower appliance manager if that managed set is not being used to manage appliances.

Verify that there are no appliances in the managed set to remove from the DataPower appliance manager. If the managed set contains appliances, remove those appliances from that managed set before you try to remove the managed set from the appliance manager.

Complete the following actions to remove a managed set from the DataPower appliance manager.

  1. From the console, click Servers > DataPower > Managed sets.

  2. Select the managed set to remove.

    We can select multiple managed sets if there are multiple managed sets to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

Related concepts

  • WebSphere DataPower appliance manager overview

    Related tasks

  • Modify a managed set

  • dpManagerCommands (AdminTask)