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Deploy SQLJ applications that use bean-managed persistence, servlets, or sessions beans

We can embed Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) statements in the applications to maximize the efficiency of transactions with the databases. Before the applications can take advantage of SQLJ, deploy the application and customize the created SQLJ profiles. We can use Rational Application Developer or the DB2 SQLJ translator to translate the application before deploying it on the application server.

Create an SQLJ application using Rational Application Developer or another development tool.

To deploy SQLJ applications that do not use container-managed persistence, translate the SQLJ application first to configure it for the application server environment. After translation, customize the SQLJ profiles in the application server, , or with the db2sqljcustomizer tool.

SQLJ support for applications that use bean-managed persistence include these features:

  1. Optional: Create a backup copy of the .java file. For example if the file is called MyServlet.java, copy MyServlet.java to MyServlet.java.bkup.

  2. Optional: Rename the .java file to a file name with an .sqlj extension. For example, if the application is a servlet named MyServlet.java, rename MyServlet.java to MyServlet.sqlj

  3. Optional: Edit the SQLJ file to convert the JDBC syntax to SQLJ syntax. When using SQLJ, if we want connection management for the application server to function properly, specify correct connection contexts.

    For example, convert the following JDBC operation:

    Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(); 
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); 
    stmt.execute("INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'user1')"); 
    to the following SQLJ:
    // At the top of the file and just below the import statements, define Connection_Context 
    #sql context Connection_context; 
    Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(); 
    Connection_context ctx1 = new Connection_context(con); 
    #sql [ctx1] {INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'user1')}; 
    con.commit(); ctx1.close();
    When you run the SQLJ translator, the .java file created has the same name as your old .java file. This provides you with a seamless transition to the SQLJ technology.

  4. From the DB2 installation, copy the sqlj.zip file to a directory on the workstation. Modify the Java build path of the enterprise bean JAR file project to include the sqlj.zip file.

  5. Use Rational Application Developer or the DB2 SQLJ translator to automatically translate SQLJ.

    • Use Rational Application Developer:

      1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the JAR project, and select Add SQLJ Support....

      2. Select the check boxes for the applications for which we want SQLJ support.

      3. In the SQLJ JAR file field, type the fully qualified path to the sqlj.zip file that you previously copied to the workstation.

      4. Click Finish.

      5. Export the EAR file.

    • Use the DB2 SQLJ translator. This tool creates a .java version of the .sqlj file and a serialized profile, with an .ser extension, used later in processing. Refer to the DB2 documentation for more information about the SQLJ translator tool.

  6. Package the JAR file for the enterprise application.

  7. Install the application onto the application server, or customize the profiles with the db2sqljcustomize tool.

    • Customize the profiles with the application server.

      1. Package the JAR file for the enterprise beans, servlets, and any .ser files into an enterprise archive.

      2. Install the application in the application server, and customize SQLJ profiles with the console or wsadmin.sh.

        Avoid trouble: Do not select Deploy enterprise beans during the application installation process in the console. If we redeploy the enterprise beans from the console, you lose the customization changes that we have made.gotcha The application server provides enhanced support for SQLJ applications. Install the SQLJ application in the application server, and we can customize and bind SQLJ profiles through the console or scripting:

        • To customize the SQLJ profiles with the console, read the topic about customizing and binding profiles for Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) applications.

        • To customize SQLJ profiles , read the topic about the application management (AdminTask).

    • To use the db2sqljcustomize tool, read the topic about customizing and binding SQLJ profiles with the db2sqljcustomize tool for more information.

Related concepts

  • Data access beans

    Related tasks

  • Customize and binding profiles for Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) applications
  • Customize and binding SQLJ profiles with the db2sqljcustomize tool
  • Deploy SQLJ applications that use container-managed persistence (CMP)
  • Deploy SQLJ applications that use container-managed persistence (CMP) with the ejbdeploy tool
    Rational Application Developer: Developing SQLJ applications

  • Application management (AdminTask)
  • Exceptions pertaining to data access