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Manage resources through JCA lifecycle management operations

Manage the run-time status of the data source and connection factory resources to perform some data access administrative tasks without restarting the application server. This topic outlines the process for managing those resources through the console.

When you manage the run-time status of connection factories or data sources, you are applying Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) lifecycle management operations to the MBeans associated with these resources. The management operations are PAUSE and RESUME. Pausing an MBean halts outbound communication to the backend, such as a database. This action affects all applications that use the corresponding connection factory or data source on the same server.

With these management operations, we can perform some administrative tasks dynamically, without restarting the application server:

  1. Navigate to the console page that corresponds to the resource type to manage.

    • For connection factories, use either of the following paths:

      • Resources > Resource Adapters > J2C connection factories

      • Resources > Resource Adapters > Resource Adapters > resource_adapter > J2C connection factories

    • For data sources, use either of the following paths:

  2. Select the connection factory or data source configurations to manage, and click Manage state. The console now displays the JCA lifecycle management page, which contains a table that depicts the full scope configuration of the previous selection.

    The table is comprised of three columns:

    • JNDI name: The JNDI name of the connection factory or data source configuration.

    • Run object scope: The server running the connection factory or data source MBean.

    • Status: The status of the connection factory or data source MBean.

  3. Select the rows that represent each invocation of the resource, per running server, to manage. Be aware that when you click the management operation, WebSphere Application Server applies it to every resource object in the selection.

    Restriction: If the MBean status of a row has a value of NOT_ACCESSED, we cannot apply JCA lifecycle management operations to that MBean. The NOT_ACCESSED state indicates that the MBean exists on the specified server, but no applications performed a JNDI namespace lookup on the corresponding connection factory or data source.

  4. Click Pause or Resume. The status column of the table changes to reflect the new state of the MBean.
