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Uninstall the Application Client using the command line

We can uninstall the Application Client using the Installation Manager command line.

  1. Log on to the system.

  2. Stop all servers and applications on the Application Client installation.

  3. Change to the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager.

  4. Use the imcl command to uninstall the offering.

    imcl.exe uninstall com.ibm.websphere.APPCLIENT.v85,optional_feature_ID
      -installationDirectory installation_directory

    ./imcl uninstall com.ibm.websphere.APPCLIENT.v85,optional_feature_ID
      -installationDirectory installation_directory

    We can remove a list of features that are separated by commas. If a list of features is not specified, the entire product is uninstalled. In the following list, the optional feature IDs are enclosed in parentheses:

    • IBM Developer Kit, Java 2 Technology Edition

      • Java 2 Runtime Environment (javaruntime)

      • Developer Kit (developerkit)

    • Samples (samples)

    • Standalone Thin Clients, Resource Adapters, and Embeddable Containers

      • Standalone Thin Clients Runtime (standalonethinclient.resourceadapter.runtime)

      • Standalone Thin Clients Samples (standalonethinclient.resourceadapter.samples)

      • Embeddable EJB Container (embeddablecontainer)

    Go to the IBM Installation Manager Version 1.6 Information Center or the IBM Installation Manager Version 1.5 Information Center for more information.

Related tasks

  • Installing, updating, rolling back, and uninstalling the Application Client for IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • Install the Application Client using the GUI
  • Install the Application Client using response files
  • Install the Application Client using the command line
  • Install features in the Application Client
  • Install fix packs on the Application Client using the GUI
  • Uninstall fix packs from the Application Client using the GUI
  • Uninstall the Application Client using the GUI
  • Uninstall the Application Client using response files