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Installing, updating, rolling back, and uninstalling the Application Client for IBM WebSphere Application Server

IBM Installation Manager is a common installer for many IBM software products that you use to install, update, roll back, and uninstall the Application Client for IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Before you start to use the installation tools, prepare for choosing and installing the variety of options and features provided by the Application Client. Read through all the steps in this article and read the related articles before installing the Application Client:

IBM recommends that we have 350 MB of temporary disk space available before starting the installation.


Although almost all of the instructions in this section of the information center will work with earlier versions of IBM Installation Manager, the information here is optimized for users who have installed or upgraded to Installation Manager Version 1.5 or later.

The Application Client provides resources and clients to aid development of client applications for use with WebSphere Application Server. The Application Client is a source for the clients (as runtime frameworks) for client applications, either to run on the Application Client machine or to be distributed with client applications that are to run on other machines.

To assemble some types of client applications, we need to install the client that provides the framework for the client application. Instead of installing WebSphere Application Server, we can install the Application Client feature, which provides the same resources and clients to aid development of client applications.

Similarly, running some types of client applications for use with WebSphere Application Server requires that the associated client is deployed with the client application. For client applications that only need a small fraction of the Application Client, we can install the Application Client onto a machine, such as the machine used to develop the client application, then package the client application with only the clients that it needs. For example, this means that a standalone client application is deployed on only the required fraction of the clients provided with the Application Client.

For information on installing and removing fix packs for WebSphere Application Server offerings on distributed operating systems using the Installation Manager command line, read the following articles in this information center:


Notes on logging and tracing:

Notes on troubleshooting:


Related tasks

  • Install the Application Client using the GUI
  • Install the Application Client using response files
  • Install the Application Client using the command line
  • Install features in the Application Client
  • Install fix packs on the Application Client using the GUI
  • Uninstall fix packs from the Application Client using the GUI
  • Uninstall the Application Client using the GUI
  • Uninstall the Application Client using response files
  • Uninstall the Application Client using the command line