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Assembling resource adapter (connector) modules

A resource adapter archive (RAR) file contains code that implements a library for connecting with a backend Enterprise Information System (EIS).

This topic assumes that we have created and unit tested a resource adapter RAR file to assemble in an enterprise application and deploy onto an application server.

A Resource Adapter Archive (RAR) file is a JAR file used to package a resource adapter for the Java 2 Connector (J2C) Architecture for the product.

A RAR file can contain the following:

The standard file extension of a RAR file is .rar.

In an assembly tool, RAR files are called connectors and assembled resource adapters are called connector modules.

A connector is a Java EE component that provides access to Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), and must comply with the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA). An example of an EIS is a transaction manager such as the Customer Information Control System (CICS ).

We might see the terms resource adapter modules, resource adapter connectors and resource adapter archive files used interchangeably.

Use an assembly tool to assemble a connector in either of the following ways:

For information on assembling connectors, refer to the online documentation or the information center for the assembly tool.

  1. Start an assembly tool.

  2. If we have not done so already, configure the assembly tool for work on J2EE modules. Ensure that Java EE and EJB capabilities are enabled.

  3. Migrate RAR files created with the Assembly Toolkit, Application Assembly Tool (AAT) or a different tool to an assembly tool. To migrate files, import the RAR files to the assembly tool.

  4. Create a new connector module.


A connector project is migrated or created. Files for the connector project are shown in the Project Explorer view under Enterprise Applications and Connector Projects.

What to do next

After creating a connector project, we can edit the connector deployment descriptor if default properties are not sufficient. In the Connector Deployment Descriptor editor, we can view and edit source code.

After assembling the connector project, deploy the module or its application onto a server. After deployment, to ensure that the connector module finds the classes and resources that it needs, check the Classpath setting for the RAR on the console Resource adapter settings page.

Related concepts

  • Relational resource adapters and JCA
  • Development and assembly tools
  • Enterprise (Java EE) applications

    Related tasks

  • Assembling applications
  • Install enterprise application files

    Related information:

  • Resource adapter settings