Start and stopping the administrative agent
In the flexible management environment, we can start the administrative agent using the startServer command. We can stop the administrative agent using the stopServer command.
Before we can start or stop the administrative agent, first install the product.
Start the administrative agent so managed multiple application servers. Stop the administrative agent as needed, such as when migrating to a new version of the product, when uninstalling the product, and so on.
- Start the administrative agent.
Use one of these methods to start the administrative agent:
- Use the startServer command:
startServer <administrative_agent>
where administrative_agent is name of the administrative agent to start.
(iseries) Use the startServer Qshell script.
For example, from a command dialog at the bin directory of the administrative agent profile, run the serverStatus -all command. Suppose running the command shows that the administrative agent profile is named adminagent. To start the administrative agent, run the following command from a command dialog at the bin directory of the administrative agent profile:
startServer adminagent
- (iseries) Use the Submit Job (SBMJOB) CL command.
We can run the CL command from an IBM i command line:
- The profile_root element is the profile root of the administrative agent.
- The administrative agent element is the name of the administrative agent server to start.
- Use the Windows operating system Taskbar.
Click Start > [All] Programs > IBM WebSphere > product_name > Profiles > administrative_agent_profile_name > Start the administrative agent management server.
- Use the administrative agent First steps dialog.
- Click Start > [All] Programs > IBM WebSphere > product_name > Profiles > administrative_agent_profile_name > First steps.
- In the First steps dialog, click Start the admin agent.
- Stop the administrative agent.
Use one of these methods to stop the administrative agent:
- Use the stopServer command:
stopServer <administrative_agent>
where administrative_agent is name of the administrative agent to stop.
(iseries) Use the stopServer Qshell script.
For example, from a command dialog at the bin directory of the administrative agent profile, run the serverStatus -all command. Suppose running the command shows that the administrative agent profile is named adminagent. To stop the administrative agent, run the following command from a command dialog at the bin directory of the administrative agent profile:
stopServer adminagent
- (iseries) Use the end job (ENDJOB) CL command.
To use the ENDJOB CL command to end an administrative agent, enter this command on an IBM i command line:
The jobNumber element is the job number, the jobName element is the name of administrative agent job, and the delayTime element is the amount of time to wait for the job to end in seconds. Use a value of 600 seconds initially. Read about the appropriate delay time in the topic on shutting down the product subsystem.
- Use the Windows operating system Taskbar.
Click Start > [All] Programs > IBM WebSphere > product_name > Profiles > administrative_agent_profile_name > Stop the administrative agent management server.
- Use the administrative agent First steps dialog.
- Click Start > [All] Programs > IBM WebSphere > product_name > Profiles > administrative_agent_profile_name > First steps.
- In the First steps dialog, click Stop the admin agent.
You have started the administrative agent and have optionally stopped it.
What to do next
Administer application servers using the administrative agent. We can do such tasks as configure the administrative agent, view or change properties for a node registered to the administrative agent, or view and change the job manager configuration for a registered node.
- Directory conventions
References in product information to app_server_root, profile_root, and other directories imply specific default directory locations. Become familiar with the conventions in use for WebSphere Application Server.
Related tasks
Start and stop a node (iseries) Shutting down the QWAS85 subsystem for WebSphere Application Server
Start and logging off the administrative console startServer command stopServer command Administer stand-alone nodes using the administrative agent