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Submitting jobs that test connections to a remote host

We can submit the Test connection job to verify access to remote hosts. After a remote host computer is registered with a job manager, we can use the Test connection job to check the connection between the job manager and the remote host.

Before we can run the Test connection job, the job manager must be running and the remote host must be a target of the job manager.

If the host is not currently a registered target...to make the host a target of the job manager:

Use the console New Host option or a registerHost command to make a remote host a target verifies access to the host. Immediately after making a host a target, we do not need to run the Test connection job. The Test connection job is useful if the host has been registered for a while and to verify that the password specified using the job manager is still valid.

We can use the job manager console or the deployment manager console to submit a job that checks the connection from the job manager to a host. From the console, choose the Test connection job, specify the host computer, specify job options, review the summary, and submit the job.

Instead of using a console, we can run the testConnection job script in the AdministrativeJobs command group. See the Administrative job types topic.

  1. Click Jobs > Submit from the navigation tree of the administrative console.

  2. Choose a job to manage the profiles of a remote host target.

    1. Select the Test connection job type from the list.

      The Test connection job is only available in the list if the job manager has a host as a target. Stand-alone application servers or deployment managers registered with the job manager are targets, but not hosts.

    2. Optionally specify a description of the job.

    3. Click Next.

  3. Choose the job targets.

    1. Select a group of targets from the list, or select Target names.

    2. If we selected Target names, then specify a target name and click Add, or click Find and specify the chosen targets on the Find targets page.

      On the Find targets page, the job type is automatically set to testConnection to filter search results. Click Find on this page to view the list of hosts in the Excluded targets list. Select the target, click > to move the host name to the Chosen targets list, and then click OK.

    3. If user authentication is required, specify a user name, password, or any other authentication values as needed.

    4. Click Next.

  4. Specify job parameters.

    Click Next. There are no parameters for this job.

  5. Schedule the job.

  6. Review the summary, and click Finish to submit the job.


The job manager runs the job and attempts to access the host.

What to do next

On the Job status page, click the ID of the testConnection job and view the job status. If the job is not successful, view any error messages that result from running the job, correct the error condition, and submit the job again.

Related tasks

  • Start and stop the job manager
  • Start and stop the administrative agent
  • Start and stop the deployment manager

  • Administrative job types
  • New target settings
  • Find targets
  • Find target resources