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Stopping applications using the job manager

In a flexible management environment, we can submit the Stop application job to stop enterprise applications that are deployed and running on managed targets of the job manager.

The application to stop must be running on managed target of the job manager.

Start the job manager if it is not already running. If a target is a stand-alone application server, also start the administrative agent.

We can use the console of the job manager or the deployment manager to submit a job that stops the running of a deployed application. From the console, choose the Stop application job, specify the application to stop, specify job options, review the summary, and submit the job.

Stopping the application changes the application status to stopped. The application can no longer receive client requests.

Instead of using a console, we can run the stopApplication job script in the AdministrativeJobs command group. See the Administrative job types topic.

  1. Click Jobs > Submit from the navigation tree of the console.

  2. Choose a job to stop applications on managed targets.

    1. Select the Stop application job type from the list.

    2. Optionally specify a description of the job.

    3. Click Next.

  3. Choose the job targets on which to stop the application.

    1. Select a group of targets from the list, or select Target names.

    2. If we selected Target names, then specify a target name and click Add, or click Find and specify the chosen targets on the Find targets page.

    3. If user authentication is required, specify a user name, password, or any other authentication values as needed.

    4. Click Next.

  4. Specify job parameters.

    1. For Application name, specify the base file name of the application file.

      Click Find. On the Find target resources page, select the application resource to stop. See the topics on installing and starting applications using the job manager. To continue with the DynaCacheEsi.ear example in those topics, find the application resource and specify the following application name:


    2. Click Next.

  5. Schedule the job.

  6. Review the summary, and click Finish to submit the job.


The targets run the job and attempt to stop the application.

What to do next

On the Job status page, click the ID of the stop application job and view the job status. Click the status refresh icon

to refresh the displayed status.

If the job is not successful, view any error messages that result from running the job, correct the error condition, and submit the job again.

If the job is successful, the status on the Target resources page of the application is Stopped. Click Jobs > Target resources > resource_name to see the resource status.

After stopping the application, we can run the following jobs:

Related tasks

  • Distributing files from the job manager to targets
  • Install applications using the job manager
  • Start applications using the job manager
  • Checking job status

  • Administrative job types
  • Find targets
  • Find target resources