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Registering stand-alone application servers with job managers

After a stand-alone application server is registered with an administrative agent, you must register the application server with a job manager to enable the job manager to administer the application server and its resources.

Before we can register the stand-alone application server nodes with the job manager, the stand-alone application servers must be registered with an administrative agent. Ensure that the administrative agent version number (excluding fix pack level) is not higher than any job manager with which we are registering the administrative agent. For details on registering stand-alone application servers with an administrative agent, see the topic on setting up the administrative agent environment.

To register stand-alone nodes with a job manager, we can use the administrative agent console or the wsadmin registerWithJobManager command.

What to do next

Verify that the application server target is registered with the job manager.

Related tasks

  • Set up the administrative agent environment
  • Set up a job manager environment
  • Start and stop the administrative agent
  • Start and stop the job manager
  • Registering nodes with the job manager using commands

  • JobManagerNode (AdminTask)