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enablejvm command (deprecated)

The enablejvm command enables you to configure the application server or a specific profile to use the IBM Technology for Java Virtual Machine, by choosing either option 11 or option 12 of the IBM Developer Kit for Java.


Deprecated feature: The enableJvm command has been deprecated in WAS v8.0. Use the managesdk command, instead of the enableJvm command. The managesdk command provides function that replaces the enableJvm command.depfeat

The following table indicates which JVM versions are supported on which IBM i releases.

IBM i releases. The following table describes the support
IBM i 6.1 IBM i 7.1
The IBM version of Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 32-bit JVM (5761JV1 option 11) The IBM version of Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 32-bit JVM (5761JV1 option 11)
The IBM version of Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 64-bit JVM (5761JV1 option 12 ) The IBM version of Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 64-bit JVM (5761JV1 option 12 )

By default, the product uses the IBM version of the Java SE 6 32-bit JVM.

For more information about where to run this command, see the Using command-line tools topic.

Before we can run the enablejvm command, ensure that you meet all the following criteria:

  1. The target JVM is installed.

  2. The Portable Application Solution Environment (PASE) product is installed on the IBM i system. Both the Java SE 6 32-bit JVM and the Java SE 6 64-bit JVM require this product. If this product is not already installed, install the PASE product which is option 33 of the IBM i operating system, and is included with the media for IBM i 6.1 and higher.

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Considerations:

For any profile (node) that is part of a WAS Network Deployment cell, the deployment manager for the node must be running when the enablejvm script attempts to update the profile. When enabling the JVM for a node, invoke the enablejvm command from the bin directory of the product install to which the node belongs. Alternatively, we can invoke the enablejvm command from the profile's bin directory where the profile is the profile containing the node to update.

If the deployment manager has administrative security enabled, provide the administrative user name and password in the soap.client.props file for the node you are enabling:

  1. Edit the following file:
  2. profile_root/properties/soap.client.props

  3. Specify the administrative user name and password for the com.ibm.SOAP.loginUserid and com.ibm.SOAP.loginPassword properties.

  4. Save the file.

  5. Encode the password in the file using the PropFilePasswordEncoder script located in the app_server_root/bin directory for the product:


When enabling the JVM for a deployment manager, only the deployment manager server is enabled. None of the nodes which are managed by the deployment manager are enabled to use the specific JVM.


The command syntax is as follows:


The following options are available for the enablejvm command:

-jvm jvm_version

This is a required parameter. enablejvm does not process the request if the target jvm_version is not installed. jvm_version must be one of the following supported versions:


When this value is entered, the application server is configured to use the Java SE 6 32-bit JVM.


When this value is entered, the application server is configured to use the Java SE 6 64-bit JVM. This value is valid if you are running the product on IBM i 6.1 or higher.

-profile profile_name

This is an optional parameter. If we do not specify the -profile parameter, the script enables the product to use the J2SE 6.0 JVM and also updates any existing profiles to use the JVM specified for jvm_version.

The following conditions apply when the enableJVM command is run:

  • If the profile is a federated node or a deployment manager node, the deployment manager must be running when the enableJVM command attempts to update the profile. When enabling the jvm for a node, run the enableJVM command from the /bin directory of the product installation to which the node belongs or from the /bin directory of the profile containing the node to update.

  • A connection to the deployment manager must exist using a supported connector protocol in the following order of preference:

    1. SOAP

    2. Inter-Process Communications (IPC)

    3. Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

If the SOAP protocol is enabled, the enableJVM command uses the SOAP protocol. If the SOAP protocol is not enabled but the IPC protocol is enabled, the command uses the IPC protocol. If neither the SOAP nor the IPC protocol are enabled, then the command uses the RMI protocol.

Provide the administrative user name and password with the enableJVM command for each profile containing a federated node or deployment manager node in a cell with security enabled. If we do not specify the -user and -password parameters, the enableJVM command might fail or stop processing. The topic on configuring security provides connector protocol specific instructions on how to save user name and password values.

Avoid trouble: Do not use the enable all profiles in the installation unless automatic prompting is disabled for SOAP, IPC, and RMI connections to the deployment managers of cells that have any federated node or deployment manager with security enabled. Automatic prompting causes the enableJVM command to fail or stop processing.gotcha

When enabling the JVM for a deployment manager, only the deployment manager server is enabled. None of the managed nodes of the deployment manager are enabled to use the specific JVM version.

Usage scenario

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax:

If we did not specify the -profile parameter on the enablejvm invocation, restart any servers (such as node agents, deployment managers, and application managers) which are running. If we did specify the -profile parameter on the enablejvm invocation, you must restart any servers that belong to the profile that was changed before the change takes effect.

The -Xms or -Xmx Java arguments are used to change the initial Java heap size or the maximum Java heap size for an application server. If we previously used the console to add either the -Xms or -Xmx Java arguments to the Generic JVM arguments setting for an application server, these settings might not be appropriate or even valid for the Java SE 6 32-bit JVM. Therefore, after you enable a profile to use the Java SE 6 32-bit JVM, the first time that you start an application server under that profile, the application server might fail because either of these Java heap size settings is greater than the 32-bit JVM three gigabyte Java heap size limit. Review all of the Java heap settings in the console and either change or eliminate them as appropriate.

Related tasks

  • Use command-line tools

  • managesdk command