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SSLConfigCommands (AdminTask)

SSLConfigCommands commands manage SSL configurations and properties.


Create an SSL configuration based on key store and trust store settings. We can use the SSL configuration settings to make the SSL connections.

Target: None

Required parameters

Optional parameters

Example output

The command returns the configuration object name of the new SSL configuration object.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


Create a property for an SSL configuration. Use this command to set SSL configuration settings that are different than the settings in the SSL configuration object.

Target: None

Required parameters

Optional parameters

Example output

The command does not return output.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


Delete the SSL configuration object specified from the configuration.

Target: None

Required parameters and return values

Optional parameters

Example output

The command does not return output.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


Return the SSL configuration alias and certificate alias from which a given management scope and direction inherits its SSL configuration information. This command only returns inheritance information; it does not return information about an SSL configuration that is effective for a give scope.

For example, by default in a Network Deployment environment, there are different SSL configuration effective at the cell and node levels. If we issue the getInheritedSSLConfig command, specifying the nodes management scope, you get the name of the SSL configuration for the cell, not the effective SSL configuration of the node, because the node inherits its configuration information from the cell.

Target object: None.

Required parameters and return values

Optional parameters


Example output

The command returns the SSL configuration alias and certificate alias from which the specified management scope and direction inherits its SSL configuration information.



Obtain information about an SSL configuration and displays the settings.

Required parameters...

Optional parameters...


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:

Example output

wsadmin>$AdminTask getSSLConfig {-alias NodeDefaultSSLSettings}
{alias NodeDefaultSSLSettings} 
{type JSSE} 
    {{keyFileName {}} 
     {keyFilePassword {}} 
     {keyFileFormat JKS} 
     {clientKeyAlias {}} 
     {serverKeyAlias {}} 
     {trustFileName {}}
     {trustFilePassword {}} 
     {trustFileFormat JKS} 
     {clientAuthentication false} 
     {securityLevel HIGH} 
     {enableCryptoHardwareSupport false} 
     {enabledCiphers {}} 
     {jsseProvider IBMJS SE2} 
     {clientAuthenticationSupported false} 
     {sslProtocol SSL_TLS} 
     {cryptoHardware {}} 
        {{name com.ibm.ssl.changed} 
         {value 11} 
         {description {}} 
         {required false}
         {validationExpression {}} 
         {_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/MyCell|security.xml#Property_1467056567837} 
         {_Websphere_Config_Data_Type Property} 
    {keyStore NodeDefaultKeyStore(cells/MyCell|security.xml#KeyStore_MyNode_1)} 
    {trustStore NodeDefaultTrustStore(cells/MyCell|security.xml#KeyStore_MyNode_2)} 
    {trustManager IbmPKIX(cells/MyCell|security.xml#TrustManager_MyNode_2)} 
    {keyManager IbmX509(cells/MyCell|security.xml#KeyManager_MyNode_1)} 
    {_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/MyCell|security.xml#SecureSocketLayer_MyNode_1} 
    {_Websphere_Config_Data_Type SecureSocketLayer} }
{managementScope (cells/MyCell|security.xml#ManagementScope_MyNode_1)} 
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Id cells/MyCell|security.xml#SSLConfig_MyNode_1} 
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Type SSLConfig} 
{_Websphere_Config_Data_Version {} }


Obtain information about SSL configuration properties.

Target: None

Required parameters and return values

Optional parameters

Example output

The command returns additional information about the SSL configuration properties.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


List the SSL ciphers.

Target: None

Required parameters

Optional parameters

Example output

The command returns a list of SSL ciphers.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


List the defined SSL configurations within a management scope.

Target: None

Optional parameters

Example output

The command returns a list of defined SSL configurations.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


List the properties for an SSL configuration.

Target: None

Required parameters

Optional parameters

Example output

The command returns SSL configuration properties.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


List the SSL protocols valid for the current configured security level. If a security standard is not enabled, the full list of valid protocols are returned. Otherwise, the list of appropriate protocols for the configured security level is returned.

Target: None

Required parameters None.


This command lists all available protocols for the current FIPS level.


Batch mode example:


List all of the SSL configuration instances that we can associate with an SSL inbound channel.If we create a new SSL alias using the console, the alias name is automatically created in the node/alias_name format. However, if we create a new SSL alias , create the SSL alias and specify both the node name and alias name in the node/alias_name format.

Target object SSLInboundChannel instance for which the SSLConfig candidates are listed.

Required parameters None.

Optional parameters None.

Sample output The command returns a list of eligible SSL configuration object names.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:


Modify the settings of an existing SSL configuration.

Target: None

Required parameters

Optional parameters

Example output

The command does not return output.


Batch mode example:

Interactive mode:

Related concepts

  • Key management for cryptographic uses
  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminTask object for scripted administration
  • Automating SSL configurations
  • Create an SSL configuration at the node scope