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dumpOdrState.jacl script

We can use the dumpOdrState.jacl script to dump on demand router (ODR) states, and for problem diagnosis and debugging purposes. The detailed state of the queues and throttles of each gateway running in the ODR, as well as other global counters, are returned.


We can use the dumpOdrState.jacl script to dump ODR states.


The dumpOdrState.jacl script is in the app_server_root/bin directory.


The default script usage follows:


Specify the following parameter with the dumpOdrState.jacl script:


Name of the ODR.



The dumpOdrState.jacl script dumps the ODR state of the ODR that specified by invoking the WsmmProxyMBean managed bean (MBean).

This script returns one string containing a description of the state of every Autonomic Request Flow Manager (ARFM) gateway in the ODR. The description lists the queued and running requests, and the throttling state of each queue. The description also contains debug-level information.

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  • Create ODRs

  • Intelligent Management: administrative roles and privileges