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Intelligent Management: application placement controller logs

Use the log files to review the status of the application placement controller.

SystemOut.log file

Look for DCPC messages in the SystemOut.log file of the node that runs the application placement controller. These messages contain basic information about runtime tasks, dynamic cluster configuration changes, and changes in the state of the servers in the topology.

apc.log file

The application placement controller logs information about application placement decisions to the apc.log file. This log file is created on the node that runs the application placement controller. The file contains information about the input and output of a placement cycle. This information helps you understanding the decisions that are made by the placement controller.

Use the apc.log.enablePlacementLog custom property to enable the application placement controller logs. To change the size and the number of log files, edit the apc.log.LogFileSize and apc.log.numHistoricalFiles custom properties.

apc.log example:

DCPC0331I: The application placement controller Input is   (Map Time=1360347071465)
 Cluster Name: xdhv01v04Cell02/pc1dc1 (Input) (changesAreNecessary) Fri Feb 08 13:11:26 EST 2013
 Cluster Properties: Type=DYNAMIC, Operational Mode=AUTOMATIC, Min/Max Instances=1/2147483647, Min/Max Nodes=1/2147483647, Isolation Preference=None, Vertical Stacking Number=Disabled, Lazy Start Time=Disabled, Idle Stop Time=Disabled, Current Memory Size=475.0 MB, Maximum Heap Size=256.0 MB  Cluster Resource Demand:
     CPU(mhz)= 0.0              Memory(mb)= 0.0(maximal)   Cluster Utility: {UtilityFunctionAlwaysOne}
 Cluster Node Membership:
   xdhv01v04Cell02/xdhv01v04Node03  Running: false  Maintenance Mode: false     xdhv01v04Cell02/xdhv01v05Node02  Running: false  Maintenance Mode: false    Cluster Members:     xdhv01v04Cell02/xdhv01v04Node03/pc1dc1_xdhv01v04Node03  Running: false  Maintenance Mode: false     xdhv01v04Cell02/xdhv01v05Node02/pc1dc1_xdhv01v05Node02  Running: false  Maintenance Mode: false   Cluster Placements:    None Node Capacity and Demands:   Background CPU(mhz)=0.0  COP=0.9  Node Memory(mb)=7740.0  Fixed Memory(mb)=65.536  MOP=0.05
 P:xdhv01v04.rtp.raleigh.ibm.com:  Capacity(Total/Available):  CPU(mhz)=5866/5866  Memory(mb)=7287/6465
   xdhv01v04Cell02/xdhv01v04CellManager02/dmgr   Demand:  CPU(mhz)= 0  Memory(mb)= 371     xdhv01v04Cell02/xdhv01v04Node03/nodeagent     Demand:  CPU(mhz)= 0  Memory(mb)= 451   Cluster Resource Allocation:
  /cell4/pc4dc1 CPU(mhz)= 0  Desired  Failed Server Starts:
[2/8/2013 13:11:26:653 EDT] DCPC0331I: The application placement controller Output is   (Map Time=1360347071465)
DCPC0335I: The Application Placement Controller is suggesting to start a server for xdhv01v04Cell02/pc1dc1 to meet the required number of running instances.

This data is printed each time APC completes a placement cycle. Use the following cluster information to review and diagnose issues in the topology:

In addition to cluster data, apc.log also contains useful node information:

The application placement controller prints input and output information each time it runs a processing cycle. The input displays the current cluster and node information, and the output displays any actions suggested by APC. In the previous example, APC suggests starting a server for the cluster xdhv01v04Cell02/pc1dc1 to meet the minimum instances requirement. To confirm this suggestion, review the input data: minimum instances is 1 (Min/Max Instances=1/2147483647), and there are currently no running servers (Cluster Placements: None).

Related information:

  • Intelligent Management: application placement custom properties