WebSphere MQ messaging provider custom properties
WebSphere MQ messaging provider custom properties can be specified in the administrative console. Click Resources > JMS. Select the type of JMS resource for which we want create custom properties (JMS destinations, connection factories, or activation specifications). In the contents pane, select the specific WebSphere MQ messaging provider JMS resource name. Information about the resource is displayed. To create custom properties, select [Additional Properties] Custom properties.
We can define the following WebSphere MQ messaging provider custom properties:
This custom property is for use with activation specifications.
This parameter determines whether the endpoint is activated when the endpoint is registered.
This parameter should be ignored for subsequent activation or deactivation via the J2CMessageEndpoint.
Information Value Data type String Acceptable values ACTIVE, INACTIVE
Related tasks
Configure an activation specification for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider Configure a unified connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider Configure a queue connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider Configure a topic connection factory for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider Configure custom properties for WebSphere MQ messaging provider JMS resources
createWMQActivationSpec command Reference topic