removeGroupFromForeignBusRole command
Use the removeGroupFromForeignBusRole command to remove a group from the sender role for a foreign bus.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
The wsadmin scripting client is run from Qshell. For more information, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere scripts .
This command is valid only when used with WAS v7 or later application servers. Do not use it with earlier versions.
Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:
- For a list of the available service integration bus security commands in Jython and a brief description of each command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:
- For overview help on a given command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:
After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration using the following command:
Use the removeGroupFromForeignBusRole command to remove a group from the sender role for a foreign bus. This prevents the group from sending messages from a local bus to a foreign bus.
Target object
Required parameters
- -bus busName
- The name of the local bus. We can use the listSIBuses command to list the names of existing buses.
- -foreignBus foreignBusName
- The name of the foreign bus.
- -role Sender
- We can only specify the Sender role for a foreign bus.
- -group groupName or uniqueName
- The name of a group to remove from the sender role for a foreign bus. We can type one of the following names:
- A security group name, or one of the following specialized group names:
- Server
- This group contains application servers.
- AllAuthenticated
- This group contains authenticated users only.
- Everyone
- This group contains all users. Each user is anonymous.
- A unique group name.
Conditional parameters
Optional parameters
The following example removes a group called Group1 from the Sender role for a foreign bus called ForeignBus1. The local bus is called Bus1.
AdminTask.removeGroupFromForeignBusRole ('[-bus Bus1 -ForeignBus ForeignBus1 -role Sender -group Group1]')
Related concepts
Role-based authorization Foreign buses
Related tasks
Remove users and groups from foreign bus roles
listGroupsInForeignBusRole command addGroupToForeignBusRole command listUsersInForeignBusRole command addUserToForeignBusRole command removeUserFromForeignBusRole command Reference topic