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registerNode command

Use the registerNode command to register a stand-alone node with an administrative agent so that the administrative agent can manage the node.

Run the registerNode command from the bin directory of the administrative agent server to register a node with the administrative agent. When you run the command, the stand-alone node is converted into a node that the administrative agent manages.

The administrative agent and the node being registered must be on the same computer.

The administrative agent provides a single interface to administer multiple unfederated (stand-alone) application server nodes in, for example, development, unit test, or server farm environments. By using a single interface to administer the application servers, you reduce the overhead of running administrative services in every application server.

We can use the console of the administrative agent to configure the administrative agent, view and change properties for nodes registered to the administrative agent, register and unregister application server nodes with job managers, and view and change job manager configurations for a registered node. A job manager allows you to asynchronously submit and administer jobs for a node registered to the administrative agent when the node is also registered to the job manager. For more details about the administrative agent subsystem, see the Administrative agent section in the Overview of administrative enhancements developer works article.

Avoid trouble: Registered nodes must have the same products as the administrative agent, and the products must be at the same version levels on the registered node and the administrative agent. This requirement is enforced because the administrative agent must have a matching environment in order to handle all of the administrative capabilities of the registered node. A node is not allowed to register with an administrative agent unless that node has an identical set of products and versions. gotcha

We can only run the command on an unfederated node. If the command is run on a federated node, the command exits with an error.

When you run the registerNode command, the command stops all running application servers on the node. We can optionally stop application servers on the node that you are registering before running the registerNode command.

transition: If we were previously running on Version or earlier, and have an administrative agent with a managed node that has mismatched products or versions, when you when you migrate to Version 8.0, that administrative agent will not be able to start the subsystem for any mismatched nodes. We must update these nodes to have the same products and versions as the administrative agents, restart the servers on the node and then restart the administrative agent, before the administrative agent can resume managing these registered nodes

If the console or the management EJB applications of the application server being registered are enabled, the node registration process disables them.


The registerNode command syntax is as follows:


The following options are available for the registerNode command:


The optional connector type used to connect to the administrative agent to initiate node registration. The default is SOAP.

Deprecated feature: You should eventually switch from the RMI connector to the JSR160RMI connector because support for the RMI connector is deprecated.depfeat

-host host

An optional parameter that specifies the host name of the administrative agent.

-name managed_node

An optional parameter that specifies the name of the managed node after the node is registered with the administrative agent.

-nodepassword node_password

An optional parameter that specifies the password of the node that you are registering. Specify this parameter if security is on at the node and the password is different from the administrative agent password. Use this parameter with the -nodeusername parameter. The -nodeusername and -nodepassword parameters are used to stop all servers on the node.

-nodeusername node_user_name

An optional parameter that specifies the user name of the node that you are registering. Specify this parameter if security is on at the node and the user name is different from the administrative agent user name. Use this parameter with the -nodepassword parameter. The -nodeusername and -nodepassword parameters are used to stop all servers on the node.

-openConnectors connectors

An optional parameter that specifies a list of connectors separated by commas of connectors that the administrative agent will open. By default, all connectors are opened.

-port port_number

An optional parameter that specifies the port number of the administrative agent connector port.

The default port number is 8878 for the default SOAP port of the administrative agent. SOAP is the default JMX (JMX) connector type for the command. If we have multiple product installations or multiple profiles, the SOAP port might be different from 8878. Examine the administrative agent SystemOut.log file to see the current ports in use.

This topic references one or more of the application server log files. As a recommended alternative, we can configure the server to use the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure instead of using SystemOut.log , SystemErr.log, trace.log, and activity.log files on distributed and IBM i systems. We can also use HPEL in conjunction with the native z/OS logging facilities. If we are using HPEL, we can access all of the log and trace information using the LogViewer command-line tool from the server profile bin directory. See the information about using HPEL to troubleshoot applications for more information on using HPEL.

-profilePath profile_path

A required parameter that specifies the path to the profile of the application server node to be registered.


An optional parameter that provides tracing output for the registerNode command.

-portsFile ports_file

An optional parameter that specifies the path to a file that defines port settings for the newly registered node.

During node registration, the registerNode command uses an automatically generated set of recommended ports if we do not specify the -portsFile parameter. The recommended port values can be different than the default port values based on the availability of the default ports.

The format of the ports_file file specified is the same as the portdef.props file, except that only the following ports are used: SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS, RMI_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS, JSR160RMI_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS, and IPC_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS.

-profileName profile_name

An optional parameter that specifies the profile name of the administrative agent.

-username username

An optional parameter that specifies the user ID to log on to the administrative agent.

-password password

An optional parameter that specifies the password to log on to the administrative agent.


An optional parameter that prints a usage statement.


An optional parameter that prints a usage statement.

Usage scenarios

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax. Commands are split on multiple lines for printing purposes.



Related tasks

  • Administer stand-alone nodes using the administrative agent
  • Use command-line tools
  • Use High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications

  • deregisterNode command