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Administration services custom properties

This topic discusses the administration services custom properties that we can set on the administrative console.

To view the administration services custom properties administrative console page that goes with this topic, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Administration > Administration services > Custom properties.

Specify a property and its value as a name-value pair on the Administration services custom properties page. We can use the custom properties page to define the following administration services custom properties:


When a custom managed bean (MBean) is registered directly with the MBean server that runs in a WAS process, the MBean object name is enhanced by default to include the cell, node, and process names as key properties. To turn off the default behavior, set the following custom property on the application server.

With this enhancement, in a WAS Network Deployment environment, the MBean that is registered on an application server is addressable through a client that is connected to the deployment manager.

If this custom property is set, an administrative client needs to connect directly to the application server on which the MBean is registered to invoke methods. The MBean cannot participate in all the distributed functions of the administrative system.

One or more MBean object names tagged with <on>...</on>. We can specify the object name of the MBean or a pattern that matches the names of several MBeans.


If we register a custom MBean with the WebSphere:type=custom,name=custommbean1 object name and another custom MBean with the WebSphere:type=custom,name=custommbean2 object name, each of the following values is valid:

Related tasks

  • Administration service settings
  • Extending the WAS administrative system with custom MBeans

    Reference topic