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Route policy action types

We can create routing policies for HTTP and SOAP and SIP requests. The routing policy actions types vary for different locations of rules. The table in this topic shows the actions types for routing policies based on location and protocol.

Action types

Rules Location Action type


Inside work classes at the application level

  • Permit routing to (permit)

  • Permit routing with affinity (permitsticky)

  • Redirect routing to (redirect)

  • Reject routing with return code (reject)

  • Permit routing only to servers in maintenance mode (permitMM)

  • Permit routing with affinity only to servers in maintenance mode (permitstickyMM)


Inside work classes at the application level

  • Permit routing to (permit)

  • Permit routing with affinity (permitsticky)

  • Redirect routing to (redirect)

  • Reject routing with return code (reject)

  • Permit routing only to servers in maintenance mode (permitMM)

  • Permit routing with affinity only to servers in maintenance mode (permitstickyMM)


Inside work classes at the ODR level

  • Permit routing to (permit)

  • Permit routing with affinity (permitsticky)

  • Redirect routing to (redirect)

  • Reject routing with return code (reject)

  • Permit routing only to servers in maintenance mode (permitMM)

  • Permit routing with affinity only to servers in maintenance mode (permitstickyMM)


At the ODR level. There is no default rule supported for HTTP rules in this location. The rules created take precedence over any rules at the application level.

  • Permit routing to (permit)

  • Permit routing with affinity (permitsticky)

  • Redirect routing to (redirect)

  • Permit routing only to servers in maintenance mode (permitMM)

  • Permit routing with affinity only to servers in maintenance mode (permitstickyMM)


At the ODR level.

  • Permit routing to (permit)

  • Reject routing with return code (reject)

Select an action type

  1. Select one of the following options:

    • Permit routing to: From the Select edition name here list select the edition name.

    • Reject routing with return code: From the Select edition name here list select the edition name and in the Enter in return code field, type the return code.

    • Redirect routing to: From the Select edition name here list select the edition name and in the Enter URI to redirect to field, type the URI.

    • Permit routing with affinity to: From the Select edition name here list select the edition name.

  2. Click Apply.
Alternatively, we can apply new classification rules by clicking Add Rule and taking the following actions:

Related concepts

  • Work class types

    Related tasks

  • Define a service policy

  • Intelligent Management: subexpression builder operands
  • Intelligent Management: routing and service policies

    Related information:

  • Intelligent Management: rules for ODR routing policy administrative tasks