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WAS security standards configurations

WAS can be configured to work with various security standards, which are typically used to meet security requirements required by the government.

New feature: WAS integrates cryptographic modules, which include Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). Most of the requirements in the standards are handled in the JSSE and JCE, which must undergo the certification process to meet government standards. WebSphere Application Server must be configured to run with the JSSE and JCE enabled for a particular standard, and now supports...

Properties used to enable the Security Standards

The IBM JVM runs in a given security mode based on system properties. WebSphere Application Server sets these system properties based on security configuration settings. The security configuration can be set up through the console or through scripting admin tasks. If an application sets these properties directly, it can affect WebSphere Application Server SSL communication.

Security standard System property to enable Valid values
FIPS 140-2 com.ibm.jsse2.usefipsprovider true or false
SP800-131 com.ibm.jsse2.sp800-131 transition or strict
Suite B com.ibm.jsse2.suiteB 128 or 192

WebSphere Application Server configuration clears out all of these properties if they are set, then sets them to how the security configuration is specified. WebSphere Application Server enables the security standard based on the custom properties set in the security configuration.

WAS security custom properties to enable the security standard

Security standard Security custom properties JVM system property
FIPS 140-2 com.ibm.security.useFips=true
SP800-131- transition com.ibm.security.useFips=true
SP800-131 strict com.ibm.security.useFips=true
Suite B 128 com.ibm.security.useFips=true
Suite B 192 com.ibm.security.useFips=true


Related tasks

Configure WebSphere Application Server for the Suite B security standard
  • Configure WebSphere Application Server for SP800-131 standard strict mode
  • Transition WebSphere Application Server to the SP800-131 security standard
  • Configure Federal Information Processing Standard Java Secure Socket Extension files
  • FIPSCommands (AdminTask)