Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference

Custom properties

This reference information lists the custom properties that are available with the product. Custom properties are unique settings that you specify as name-value pairs on specific admin console pages.

For example, the SIP container custom property, immediate.replication, which is used to control whether each change is immediately sent to the Data Replication Service, is set on the SIP container admin console page.

Additional custom properties might be documented on the Support site as resolutions to specific customer problem reports.

When you click on the name of one of the custom properties in the following list, you are automatically taken to the topic that fully describes that custom property. That topic also describes how to navigate to the admin console page where you can specify that custom property.

Administration services custom properties

Cell custom properties

Compensation service custom properties

Core group bridge custom properties

Core group custom properties

EJB container system properties

HTTP proxy server custom properties

HTTP transport channel custom properties

HTTP transport custom properties

HTTP transport custom properties for Web services applications

Java Management Extensions connector properties

SOAP connector properties

IPC connector properties

SOAP, RMI, JSR160RMI, and IPC connector properties

RMI connector properties

JSP specific web container custom properties

Java virtual machine cache settings

Java virtual machine custom properties

Message listener service custom properties

ORB custom properties

Portlet container custom properties

Repository service custom properties

Security custom properties

Service integration custom properties

Session management custom properties

SIP container custom properties

SIP Proxy custom properties

SIP general custom properties

SIP UDP transport channel custom properties

SPNEGO TAI custom properties configuration (deprecated)

SPNEGO TAI JVM configuration custom properties (deprecated)

TCP transport channel custom properties

Transaction service custom properties

Web container custom properties

Web services security custom properties

WebSphere MQ messaging provider custom properties