WAS v8.0 > Install the application serving environment > Distributed operating systems
WAS v8: New for install
IBM Installation Manager
WAS v8.0 is installed using IBM Installation Manager rather than with the ISMP-based installers.
IBM Installation manager...
- Uses remote or local software flat-file repositories to show available packages
- Checks prerequisites and interdependencies
- Installs the selected packages
Do not use the same response files that are used with WAS v7.0 or earlier to install or uninstall WAS v8.0 and later.
Each software product that can be installed with IIM is referred to as a "package." An installed package has...
- Product level
- installation location
A package group consists of all of the products installed at a single location.
IBM Installation Manager modes...
admin Invoke and install as an administrator or root ID. nonAdmin Invoke only by the user that installed it. Also called user mode. group Invoked by any user ID connected to the default group of the user that installed it. Two people cannot use the single instance of IIM at the same time. ![]()
IBM Installation Manager contains...
- Set of binaries copied from the installation kit
- Set of runtime data that describe the products that have been installed by this particular IIM
Before installing IBM Installation Manager...
- Decide in which mode the IIM will run
- Where the binaries and runtime data, called "agent data" or "appdata", will reside
All software materials that will be installed with IBM IIM are stored in flat-file repositories that contain...
- program objects and metadata for one or more packages
- product maintenance, such as fix packs and interim fixes
After deploying the flat-file repositories, we can use the IIM GUI, command-line commands, or response files to perform the actual product installations. We can choose from any available product levels in any accessible repository. To install, we provide...
- Package name
- Product level to be installed
- Product location
- Any optional features such as language packs
To list installed products and product levels we can use...
- IIM commands
- versionInfo.sh
We can use IIM commands to...
- Install a new product level
- Roll back to a previous level
- Adding optional features or language packs.
With the Packaging Utility, we can...
- copy multiple packages into one repository
- copy multiple disks for one product into a repository
- copy packages from Passport Advantage into a repository
Centralized Installation Manager (CIM)
The WAS v8.0 CIM can be used to...
- Install WAS v8.0 on machines outside of the cell
- Apply maintenance from the admin console
Install and uninstall the DMZ Secure Proxy Server
The DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS is now installed by IBM Installation Manager rather than by InstallShield.
Install and using the WebSphere Customization Toolbox The WebSphere Customization Toolbox for WAS v8.0 includes tools for customizing various parts of your WAS environment.
- We can launch the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool to configure your web server plug-ins for any operating system on which the WebSphere Customization Toolbox can be installed.
We can also use the WCT command-line utility to launch the command-line version of the Plug-ins Configuration Tool, the pct tool.
- We can launch the Profile Management Tool (z/OS only) on an Intel-based Windows or Linux operating system to generate jobs and instructions for creating profiles for WAS on z/OS systems.
- We can launch the z/OS Migration Management Tool on an Intel-based Windows or Linux operating system to generate definitions for migrating WAS for z/OS profiles.