Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Set up intermediary services > Implement a web server plug-in > Configure web server plug-ins
Configure a web server plug-in using the WCT command-line utility
The WCT command-line utility invokes the command-line tool specified by the -tool parameter. We can use the WCT command-line utility and specify the pct tool to configure a web server to use an application server as a hosting server.
Configure a web server to use an application server as a hosting server.
Location of the WCT command-line utility
The product includes the following script that sets up the environment and invokes the WCT command-line utility.
- (Windows) WCT_install_root\WCT\wctcmd.bat
Syntax of the WCT command-line utility
(Windows) wctcmd.bat -tool tool_ID -defLocPathname definition_location_pathname -createDefinitionLocation definition_location_name -importDefinitionLocation definition_location_name -removeDefinitionLocation definition_location_name -defLocName definition_location_name -defLocVersion definition_location_version -response response_file -listDefinitionLocations -deleteDefinition definition_name -listDefinitions
./ -tool tool_ID -defLocPathname definition_location_pathname -createDefinitionLocation definition_location_name -importDefinitionLocation definition_location_name -removeDefinitionLocation definition_location_name -defLocName definition_location_name -defLocVersion definition_location_version -response response_file -listDefinitionLocations -deleteDefinition definition_name -listDefinitions
Parameters of the WCT command-line utility
-tool tool_ID
Name of the tool to launch as it is registered with the WCT command-line utility This parameter is required.
-defLocPathname definition_location_pathname
Absolute path name of the definition location to use when the specified tool is launched This parameter is required.
-createDefinitionLocation definition_location_name
Specifies that the WCT command-line utility should create a definition location This parameter is optional.
-importDefinitionLocation definition_location_name
Specifies that the WCT command-line utility should import a definition location This parameter is optional.
-removeDefinitionLocation definition_location_name
Specifies that the WCT command-line utility should remove a definition location This parameter is optional.
-defLocName definition_location_name
Name of the definition location as it resides in the definition location registry
-defLocVersion definition_location_version
Version of definition location to create This parameter is optional.
-response response_file
Response file containing tool arguments This parameter is optional.
Lists the available definition locations.
-deleteDefinition definition_name
Specifies that the WCT command-line utility should delete a definition This parameter is optional.
The definition_name is required. Either one of the following parameters is also required:
- -defLocName definition_location_name
- -defLocpathname definition_location_pathname
If both parameter values are supplied, the first one is used. If the first value supplied does not pass the validation check, the command fails with an error message.
Lists the available definitions at a specified definition location or definition location path name Either one of the following parameters is required:
- -defLocName definition_location_name
- -defLocpathname definition_location_pathname
If both parameter values are supplied, the first one is used. If the first value supplied does not pass the validation check, the command fails with an error message.
- Command-line arguments are case sensitive.
- If an argument accepts a value containing spaces, the value must be enclosed in double quotes (" ").
Use the pct tool to configure an IHS Web Server to use an application server as a hosting server:
- (Windows) wctcmd.bat -tool pct -defLocPathname C:\data\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins -defLocName someDefLocName -response C:\IBM\WebSphere\tools\WCT\responsefile.txt
./ -tool pct -defLocPathname /data/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins -defLocName someDefLocName -response /var/IBM/WebSphere/tools/WCT/responsefile.txt
The following is an example of the content of a response file for an IHS local plug-in configuration.
configType=local_standalone enableAdminServerSupport=true enableUserAndPass=true enableWinService=false ihsAdminCreateUserAndGroup=true ihsAdminPassword=****** ihsAdminPort=8008 ihsAdminUnixUserGroup=grp101 ihsAdminUnixUserID=user1 mapWebServerToApplications=true profileName=AppSrv01 wasExistingLocation=opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer80 webServerConfigFile1=opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/// d.conf webServerDefinition=webserver1 webServerInstallArch=32 webServerOS=windows webServerPortNumber=80 webServerSelected=ihs(Windows)configType=local_standalone enableAdminServerSupport=true enableUserAndPass=true enableWinService=true ihsAdminPassword=****** ihsAdminPort=8008 ihsAdminUserID=admin1 ihsWindowsPassword=****** ihsWindowsStartupType=Automatic ihsWindowsUserID=user1 mapWebServerToApplications=true profileName=AppSrv01 wasExistingLocation=D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer80 webServerConfigFile1=D:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\// d.conf webServerDefinition=webserver1 webServerInstallArch=32 webServerOS=windows webServerPortNumber=80 webServerSelected=ihsThe following is an example of the content of a response file for an IHS remote plug-in configuration.
configType=remote enableAdminServerSupport=true enableUserAndPass=true enableWinService=false ihsAdminCreateUserAndGroup=true ihsAdminPassword=****** ihsAdminPort=8008 ihsAdminUnixUserGroup=grp101 ihsAdminUnixUserID=user1 mapWebServerToApplications=true profileName=AppSrv01 wasExistingLocation=opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer80 wasMachineHostname= webServerConfigFile1=opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/// d.conf webServerDefinition=webserver1 webServerInstallArch=32 webServerOS=windows webServerPortNumber=80 webServerSelected=ihs(Windows)configType=remote enableAdminServerSupport=true enableUserAndPass=true enableWinService=true ihsAdminPassword=****** ihsAdminPort=8008 ihsAdminUserID=admin1 ihsWindowsPassword=****** ihsWindowsStartupType=Automatic ihsWindowsUserID=user1 mapWebServerToApplications=true profileName=AppSrv01 wasExistingLocation=D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer80 wasMachineHostname= webServerConfigFile1=D:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\// d.conf webServerDefinition=webserver1 webServerInstallArch=32 webServerOS=windows webServerPortNumber=80 webServerSelected=ihs
Import a definition location for the pct tool:
(Windows) wctcmd.bat -tool pct -importDefinitionLocation -defLocName someDefLocName -defLocPathname C:\data\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins -response C:\IBM\WebSphere\tools\WCT\responsefile.txt
./ -tool pct -importDefinitionLocation -defLocName someDefLocName -defLocPathname /data/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins -response /var/IBM/WebSphere/tools/WCT/responsefile.txt
Remove a definition location for the pct tool:
(Windows) wctcmd.bat -tool pct -removeDefinitionLocation -defLocName someDefLocName -defLocPathname C:\data\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins
./ -tool pct -removeDefinitionLocation -defLocName someDefLocName -defLocPathname /data/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins
List the available definition locations for the pct tool:
(Windows) wctcmd.bat -tool pct -defLocPathname C:\data\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins -listDefinitionLocations
./ -tool pct -defLocPathname /data/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins -listDefinitionLocations
Remove a definition for the pct tool:
(Windows) wctcmd.bat -tool pct -deleteDefinition someDefName -defLocName someDefLocName
./ -tool pct -deleteDefinition someDefName -defLocName someDefLocName
List the available definitions for the pct tool:
(Windows) wctcmd.bat -tool pct -defLocPathname C:\data\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins -listDefinitions
./ -tool pct -defLocPathname /data/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins -listDefinition