Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Applications > SCA composites
Learn about SCA composites
Find links to Service Component Architecture (SCA) resources for learning, including conceptual overviews, tutorials, samples, and "How do I?..." topics, pending their availability.
How do I?...
Conceptual overviews
SCA overview SCA components SCA composites SCA application package deployment
The product offers sample files that support SCA specifications. We can use these sample SCA files in business-level applications. The sample files are downloadable from the Samples information center. SCA services are packaged in JAR files that you import as assets to the product repository and then add as composition units to business-level applications. Samples include detailed deployment instructions in a readme.html file.
SCA in WAS: Overview
Samples, v8.0 information center
Example: Creating an SCA business-level application with the console
Example: Create an SCA business-level application with scripting