Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Cache action settings
We can configure caching action settings for a proxy server. Caching actions are set to determine whether a response is cached. A caching action specifies the last modified factor and the default expiration to define how a response is cached. From the console...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server_name
> Proxy actions > action_name.
User-defined symbolic name for a caching action.
A caching action name must be unique and cannot contain an invalid character. The name field cannot contain the following characters: # \ / , : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '.
Enable caching
Whether or not to enable caching for the proxy server.
We must enable caching before you can provide a value for Default expiration or Last modified factor. If a value is specified for Last modified factor, then the value for Default expiration is not used. If caching is disabled, the proxy server does not cache the uniform resource identifier (URI) that is associated with the proxy rule expression. For example, if a request comes in and it matches the rule expression for a proxy virtual host, then the actions associated with the rule expression, including the caching action, are executed. The rule expression may or may not include an explicit URI or URIgroup. If a request matches a rule expression with an action of caching disabled, the proxy server does not cache the response for that request.
Default expiration
Amount of time, in seconds, before a cached response expires. The default expiration determines the validity of cached responses for the URI that is associated with the cache rule.
Last modified factor
Amount of time, in seconds, before a response is cached if the response does not have explicit HTTP expiration headers. The last modified time header must be specified in the response. The value is determined based on when an HTML file was last changed to prevent caching frequently modified files for long periods of time.
Proxy actions collection