Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Scripting the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Use properties files to manage system configuration > Manage specific configuration objects using properties files
Work with service integration properties files
We can use properties files to create, modify, or delete service integration bus objects. Service integration bus is the default JMS messaging provider for the product.
Determine the property values to set for the service integration bus configuration.
To start wsadmin using the Jython language, run the wsadmin -lang Jython command from the bin directory of the server profile.
Use a properties file, you can create, modify, or delete a service integration bus object and its configuration properties.
Actions for service integration bus properties files. We can create, change, or delete service integration bus configuration properties.
Action Procedure create Specify commandName=createSIBus in the properties file. Run applyConfigProperties. modify Specify commandName=modifySIBus in the properties file. Run applyConfigProperties. delete Specify commandName=deleteSIBus in the properties file. Run applyConfigProperties. create Property Not applicable delete Property Not applicable
- Create modify, or delete a service integration bus object.
- Create a service integration bus object.
Open an editor, specify commandName=createSIBus in the header, specify the service integration bus properties, and save the file. We can copy the following service integration bus configuration to the properties file and edit the properties as needed.
# # Header # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true commandName=createSIBus # # # Properties # secure=null #Boolean useServerIdForMediations=null #Boolean interEngineAuthAlias=null #String auditAllowed=null #Boolean discardOnDelete=null #Boolean scriptCompatibility=null #String mediationsAuthAlias=null #String busSecurity=null #Boolean highMessageThreshold=null #Long bus=myBus #String,required configurationReloadEnabled=null #Boolean securityGroupCacheTimeout=null #Long bootstrapPolicy=null #String description=null #String protocol=null #String- Modify a service integration bus object.
Open an editor, specify commandName=modifySIBus in the header, change the service integration properties as needed, and save the file.
# # Header # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true commandName=modifySIBus # # # Properties # secure=null #Boolean useServerIdForMediations=null #Boolean interEngineAuthAlias=null #String auditAllowed=null #Boolean discardOnDelete=null #Boolean mediationsAuthAlias=null #String busSecurity=null #Boolean highMessageThreshold=null #Long bus=myBus #String,required configurationReloadEnabled=null #Boolean securityGroupCacheTimeout=null #Long bootstrapPolicy=null #String permittedChains=null #String description=null #String protocol=null #String- Delete a service integration bus object.
Open an editor, specify commandName=deleteSIBus in the header, specify the bus property, and save the file.
# # Header # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true commandName=deleteSIBus # # # Properties # bus=myBus #String,required
- Run applyConfigProperties.
Run applyConfigProperties applies the properties file to the configuration. In this Jython example, the optional -reportFileName parameter produces a report named report.txt:
AdminTask.applyConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName mySIBus.props -reportFileName report.txt '])Optionally, you can use the command in interactive mode:
We can use the properties file to configure and manage the service integration object.
This section contains several example properties files that create, modify, or delete service integration objects. Run applyConfigProperties to apply a properties file.
- Properties file that uses createSIBJMSConnectionFactory
- Properties file that uses createSIBJMSQueue
- Properties file that uses addGroupToBusConnectorRole
- Properties file that uses many commands to create and modify SIB objects
Properties file that uses the createSIBJMSConnectionFactory commandThis example creates a service integration JMS connection factory:
# # Header # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true commandName=createSIBJMSConnectionFactory # # # Properties # logMissingTransactionContext=null #Boolean password=null #String readAhead=null #String type=null #String tempQueueNamePrefix=null #String shareDurableSubscriptions=null #String durableSubscriptionHome=null #String targetTransportChain=null #String authDataAlias=null #String userName=null #String targetSignificance=null #String shareDataSourceWithCMP=null #Boolean providerEndPoints=null #String persistentMapping=null #String nonPersistentMapping=null #String jndiName=mySIBJndiName #String,required clientID=null #String targetObject=targetObject #null,required manageCachedHandles=null #Boolean consumerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterGet=null #String category=null #String targetType=null #String busName=myBus #String,required description=null #String xaRecoveryAuthAlias=null #String containerAuthAlias=null #String mappingAlias=null #String producerDoesNotModifyPayloadAfterSet=null #String tempTopicNamePrefix=null #String connectionProximity=null #String target=null #String name=mySIBJmsCF #String,required
Properties file that uses the createSIBJMSQueue commandThis example creates a service integration JMS queue:
# # Header # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true commandName=createSIBJMSQueue # # # Properties # name=mySIBJmsQ #String,required queueName=mySIBJmsQ #String,required producerPreferLocal=null #Boolean jndiName=mySIBQJndiName #String,required readAhead=null #String busName=myBus #String priority=null #Integer gatherMessages=null #Boolean scopeToLocalQP=null #Boolean deliveryMode=null #String description=null #String # target object can be either configId or scope format such as cell=cellName:node=nodeName:JDBCProvider=… targetObject=targetObject #ObjectName,required producerBind=null #Boolean timeToLive=null #Long
Properties file that uses the addGroupToBusConnectorRole commandThis example adds a bus to a service integration group:
# # Header # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true commandName=addGroupToBusConnectorRole # # # Properties # uniqueName=null #String bus=myBus #String,required group=mySibGroup #String,required
Properties file that uses many commands to create and modify service integration objectsThis example creates and modifies service integration objects. We can change the Environment Variables nodeName and serverName at the end of the file to match the system. Set dontCreate to false to create and modify the service integration configuration. Set dontDelete to false to delete all the created service integration configuration.
# # Create SIBus # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontCreate} commandName=createSIBus # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required # # # Modify SIBus # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontCreate} commandName=modifySIBus # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required description="modified description of this bus" busSecurity=true # # Add SIBus Member # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontCreate} commandName=addSIBusMember # # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required node=!{nodeName} server=!{serverName} # # Modify SIBEngine # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontCreate} commandName=modifySIBEngine # # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required node=!{nodeName} server=!{serverName} #engine=single_engine // not required if single engine description="message engine" initialState=STOPPED # # # Create new SIB Destination # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontCreate} commandName=createSIBDestination # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required name=myQueue type=QUEUE node=!{nodeName} server=!{serverName} # # # Delete SIB Destination # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontDelete} commandName=deleteSIBDestination # # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required name=myQueue # # # Delete SIB Engine # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontDelete} commandName=deleteSIBEngine # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required node=!{nodeName} server=!{serverName} #engine=single_engine // not required if single engine # # # Delete SIB Bus Member # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontDelete} commandName=removeSIBusMember # # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required node=!{nodeName} server=!{serverName} # # Delete SIBus # CreateDeleteCommandProperties=true SKIP=!{dontDelete} commandName=deleteSIBus # # # parameters # bus=!{sibus} #String,required # EnvironmentVariablesSection # # Environment Variables sibus=newSib serverName=server1 nodeName=myNode05 dontDelete=true dontCreate=false
What to do next
Save the changes to the configuration.
Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files and wsadmin scripting
Delete server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
Create, modifying, and deleting configuration objects using one properties file
PropertiesBasedConfiguration command group using