Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer web services (generally applicable) > Administer deployed web services applications

View WSDL documents for service providers

We can locate and view a WSDL document from the administrative console. Before completing this task, install or deploy a Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) application. Read about the JAX-WS application deployment model.

JAX-WS integration with the WAS provides the option to view a WSDL document that is associated with your web service .

A web service application that contains all the necessary artifacts has been developed and deployed to the Application Server. Now you can view the WSDL document for each service .


  1. Open the administrative console.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand Services > Service providers.

  3. Select a web service of interest in the Service providers collection view.

  4. Click the WSDL document link to view the WSDL document.


When you finish this task, we have viewed the WSDL document for a service artifact.

What to do next

We can attach and detach policy sets and configure bindings information for the application. See managing policy sets and bindings for service providers at the application level .
JAX-WS application deployment model
Administer deployed web services applications
Manage policy sets and bindings for service providers at the application level


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