Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authorizing access to resources > Authorizing access to Java EE resources using TAM > Enable an external JACC provider > Configure the JACC provider for TAM

Create the security administrative user for Tivoli Access Manager

  1. Log on to the TAM policy server host machine as TAM admin user, sec_master, and start the pdadmin utility...

    pdadmin -a sec_master -p foo

  2. Create a WAS security user...

    pdadmin> user create wasadmin cn=wasadmin,ou=groups,dc=myco,dc=com wasadmin wasadmin myPassword
  3. Enable the account for the WAS security administrative user:

    pdadmin> user modify wasadmin account-valid yes
  4. Configure the Java Authorization Contract for Container provider for TAM

TAM security for WAS
Enable an external JACC provider


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