Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer web services - Invocation framework (WSIF) > Administer WSIF > Enable a WSIF client to invoke a web service through JMS

Manage messaging with a third-party or (deprecated) V5 default messaging provider

For messaging between application servers, most requirements are best met by either the default messaging provider or the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. However, you can instead use a third-party messaging provider (that is, use another company's product as the provider). You might want to do this, for example, if we have existing investments. For backwards compatibility with earlier releases, there is also support for the V5 default messaging provider. If you are not sure which provider combination is best suited to your needs, see Types of messaging providers.

Enterprise applications in WAS can use asynchronous messaging through services based on JMS messaging providers and their related messaging systems. These messaging providers conform to the JMS v1.1 specification.

The choice of provider depends on what your JMS application needs to do, and on other factors relating to your business environment and planned changes to that environment.



Manage messaging with a third-party JCA 1.5-compliant messaging provider
Manage messaging with a third-party non-JCA messaging provider
Maintain (deprecated) v5 default messaging resources
Introduction: Messaging resources
Manage messaging with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
Manage message-driven beans
Secure messaging
Tune messaging
Troubleshoot messaging
Program to use asynchronous messaging
Manage messaging with the default messaging provider
Choosing a messaging provider


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