Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer Service integration > Administer service integration buses > Configure buses > Add buses

Add an unsecured bus

By default, bus security is enabled and you add buses with security configured. However, you can add a new service integration bus without any security settings. To secure the bus at a later date, you can do so by configuring the security settings for the bus.

To add a bus, use the administrative console...


  1. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses . A list of buses is displayed.

  2. In the content pane, click New.
  3. Type a name for the new bus. We must choose bus names that are compatible with the WebSphere MQ queue manager naming restrictions. We cannot change a bus name after the bus is created, which means that you can only interoperate with WebSphere MQ in the future if you use compatible names. See the topic about WebSphere MQ naming restrictions in the related links.

  4. Clear the Bus security check box to disable bus security.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Review the summary of the settings for the new bus, then click Finish.

  7. Save your changes to the master configuration.


Bus security is disabled, and we have added a new unsecured service integration bus.

What to do next

We can now add servers or server clusters to the bus.
Messaging security and multiple security domains
Messaging security
Message security in a service integration bus
Service integration buses
Configure the members of a bus
Configure bus security by using an administrative console panel


SIBAdminCommands: Bus administrative commands
WebSphere MQ naming restrictions


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