WAS v8.0 > Install the application serving environment > Distributed operating systems > Plan the WAS product installation

Plan to install WAS

Consider common installation scenarios for the product to determine how to install the application serving environment.

IBM WAS Network Deployment is an integrated platform that contains an application server, web development tools, a web server, and additional supporting software and documentation.

The installation of the application server product installs a shared set of core product files. Afterwards, you create at least one profile, which is a separate data partition that includes the files that define a runtime environment for an application server process, such as a dmgr or an application server.

A running application server process can create, read, update, or delete the configuration files, data files, and log files in its profile. The application server process can access the core product files, which include command files and other shared product binary files. However, most core product or system files are updated only by installing fix packs, interim fixes, or products that extend the product.

After installation, you can create an application server profile, a management profile, a cell set of profiles that contains a dmgr and a federated application server, or a custom profile. At least one profile must exist to have a functioning application server environment. We can use the Profile Management Tool or the manageprofiles command to create profiles.

We must first prepare your operating system for installation before installing any of the below topologies. See Prepare the operating system for product installation for more information. IBM recommends that you configure WAS Network Deployment with a single subnet for network traffic. We can use one Network interface card (NIC) on a physical machine or logical partition (LPAR). We can also reference a single domain name system (DNS) server in the network configuration for the physical machine or LPAR.

The following information describes scenarios for installing the product in various topologies on one or more machines. Two types of application server topologies are possible using the Network Deployment product.

Topologies for a standalone application server

Each standalone application server runs independently of other application servers.

Topologies for a managed group of application servers in a cell

A cell consists of one dmgr and one or more federated application servers that are managed nodes. The dmgr is the single point of administration for all of the managed nodes in the cell. The dmgr maintains the configuration files for nodes that it manages and deploys applications to those managed nodes.

An application server can become a managed node in the following ways:

  • By creating the cell with a federated node

  • By federating the node within an application server profile into the cell

  • By federating the node within a custom profile into the cell

Scenarios 6 - 10 assume that all nodes in a cell reside on a particular machine and operating system. However, this precise node assignment does not need to apply. The dmgr node can exist on Machine A, other managed nodes (that have been federated into the dmgr) can exist on differing machines and operating systems. Such a configured cell of differing machines or operating systems is called a heterogeneous cell and expands the possible topologies that you can consider for your network deployment.

The following topologies for a cell are described in this article.

Topologies that include DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS

DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS delivers a high performance reverse proxy capability that can be used at the edge of the network to route, load balance, and improve response times for requests to web resources. Comapared to a web server, DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS provides increased flexibility, improved integration with WebSphere systems management, improved workload balancing, and other enhancements. DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS does not contain a web container and therefore does not have an administration console.

The product can be administered in a number of secure ways depending on various possible topologies.

  • Administration with the wsadmin utility.

    This requires local access to the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS.

  • Administration from an external web console.

    The product is configured through a profile on the dmgr node, exported, and imported to the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS node.

  • Flexible administration from a remote job manager.

    A secure proxy profile is deployed on the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS node and registered to an admin agent on that same machine. The admin agent is then registered to and managed by a remote job manager.

The second administrative topology for the DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS is described in this article.

Some scenarios are more typical in production environments. For example, Scenario 1 supports a lighter workload than Scenario 3 or Scenario 4. However, Scenario 1 is a fully functional environment. Scenarios 3 - 5 are typical production environments for a standalone application server. Scenarios 9 is a typical production scenario for a simple cell environment.



You have reviewed many of the most common installation scenarios to find a possible match for the topology that you intend to install.

What to do next

See the IBM HTTP Server, web server plug-in, and DMZ Secure Proxy Server for IBM WAS documentation for more information on installing those products.
Install and uninstall the product
Prepare the operating system for product installation
Plan the WAS product installation


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