Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Set up intermediary services > Use the DataPower appliance manager

Add new firmware versions to the DataPower appliance manager

We can use the DataPower appliance manager to add a new firmware version to the DataPower appliance manager. Appliances that the DataPower appliance manager manages must have a or higher firmware level.

Download one or more firmware versions from the IBM support site.

Complete the following steps if you want to use the admin console to add a new firmware version.


  1. From the admin console, click...

        Servers > DataPower > Firmware > New.

  2. Select either Upload from local system, or Upload from remote system.

    If you select Upload from local system, the firmware version is uploaded to the DataPower appliance manager, from your local file system.

    If you select Upload from remote system . the firmware version is uploaded to the DataPower appliance manager, from a remote file system.

  3. Specify the fully qualified name of the file that you are uploading.

    If you do not know the fully qualified name of the file that you are uploading, you can use the browse function to search for the correct file.

  4. Optional: Add a description of this firmware version in the Comments field.

    You might want to use this field to provide information that differentiates this firmware version from other firmware versions that are stored on the local or remote system.

    After you enter your comment, click Apply.

  5. Click Submit.

What to do next

After a new firmware version is added, you can use the DataPower appliance manager to modify the settings for the new firmware version, add the new firmware version to a managed set, or delete the new firmware version when it is no longer needed.


Modify settings for firmware versions
Delete firmware versions
Firmware collection
Firmware settings
Managed set firmware settings
New firmware version settings
WebSphere DataPower appliance manager overview
Manage versions of sharable appliance settings
Update firmware versions for DataPower appliances using scripting
Use the DataPower appliance manager


dpManagerCommands command group


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