Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Set up intermediary services > Use the DataPower appliance manager

Administer DataPower appliance domains

A DataPower appliance domain is a group of configuration information for an appliance. By default, these domains are unmanaged. We can use the admin console to change an unmanaged domain to a managed domain, or to change a managed domain to an unmanaged domain. However, you cannot use the administrative console to configure a domain. Use the DataPower WebGUI to configure a domain. See the DataPower WebGUI documentation for information about configuring a domain.

We can use the admin console to change an unmanaged domain to a managed domain. However, you cannot use the administrative console to configure a domain. Use the DataPower WebGUI to configure a domain. See the DataPower WebGUI documentation for information about configuring a domain. The DataPower appliance manager synchronizes managed domains from the master appliance to the subordinate appliances in the managed set. However, it is possible that the managed domain might not be completely functional on all of the subordinate appliances. An example of this situation is when a service object, such as an XML firewall, in the managed domain has a listening port conflict on one of the subordinate appliances.

Complete one or more of the following steps to administer domains.


  1. From the admin console...

    Servers > DataPower > Managed sets > managedset_name.

  2. To change an unmanaged domain to a managed domain, complete the following actions.

    1. In the Managed Domains section, expand Unmanaged domains.

    2. Select the unmanaged domains to convert to managed domains, and then click Manage .

  3. To change an managed domain to an unmanaged domain, complete the following actions.

    1. In the Managed Domains section, expand Managed domains.

    2. Select the managed domains to convert to unmanaged domains, and then click Unmanage .

  4. To access the DataPower WebGUI and re-configure a managed or unmanaged domain, select the domain to re-configure, and click Launch.

  5. To delete a managed domain, select the domain to delete, and click Delete.


If you changed any managed domains to unmanaged, those domains are now listed under Unmanaged domains. Similarly if you changed any unmanaged domains to managed, those domains are now listed under Managed domains.


Managed domain settings
WebSphere DataPower appliance manager overview
Administer managed domain versions
Copy DataPower appliance domains between managed sets using scripting
Administer managed domains, firmware, and settings versions using scripting
Use the DataPower appliance manager


dpManagerCommands command group


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