Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)

LTPACommandGroup command group

Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to import and export LTPA keys.

New feature: Use the importLTPAKeys command to import an LTPA key from a file and add it to the security runtime and configuration. The exportLTPAKeys command exports an LTPA key that is currently being used by the runtime to a file.New feature:

The LTPACommandGroup command group includes the following commands:


The importLTPAKeys command imports an LTPA key from a file and adds it to the security runtime and configuration. The command takes the key from the file specified and adds it to the ltpa.jceks keystore where LTPA keys are stored. The key then becomes the current LTPA key of the runtime.

Target object None

Required parameters


Path to the file that contains the LTPA key that is to be imported into the configuration and runtime. The parameter takes the file path URL format or just the file path. (String, required)


The password of the LTPA key. (String, required)

Optional parameters None

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The exportLTPAKeys command exports an LTPA key that is currently being used by the runtime to a file. If the file where the key is to be stored does not exist, it is created. If it does not exist, then the file is overwritten.

Target object None

Required parameters


Path to the file that contains the LTPA key that is to be imported into the configuration and runtime. The parameter takes the file path URL format or just the file path. (String, required)


The password of the LTPA key. (String, required)

Optional parameters None

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