Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Developer detailed usage information
sib: URL syntax
The sib: URL has the following syntax:
- Square brackets ("[ ]") indicate that a parameter is optional.
- Transport type is sib:, followed by either /destination to specify destination type or /path to specify a forward routing path, followed by a "query string" that contains one or more properties. The permitted properties are described in the subsequent sections of this topic.
Required properties
The following properties are required. They are used to specify the destination for the request.
All destination names must be fully-qualified. That is, they must include the name of the service integration bus as well as the destination name itself. Use the syntax bus:destination. If a bus or destination name contains a colon or comma, wrap the name in double quotation marks (""). If it contains a double quotation mark, repeat the quotation mark.
The destination name.
The forward routing path, in the form of a sequence of destination names separated by commas.
The name of the destination to be used for the reply.
The name of the inbound service that identifies the specific attachment that the requester application uses. We can omit this value if the destination is a service destination with an associated outbound service configuration, because in that case the requester is attaching to the outbound service through the service destination.
The time the requester waits for a response. The default value is 60 seconds. A zero value indicates an unlimited wait.
Service integration technologies-related properties
The following properties are optional. If you do not specify a value for a property, then the default value is used. For more information regarding the permitted values for these properties, see the generated API information for the SIMessage interface.
The reliability of the request message.
The amount of time (in milliseconds) before the request times out. A zero value indicates that the request never times out. The timeout property (see the required properties) is the time delay after which the requester application blocks the application thread that is waiting for a response to a request and response operation. The time to live and replyTimeToLive optional properties indicate how long the request and reply messages should be processed by the messaging engines. This does not include the processing time at the service implementation. You would therefore usually set the timeout to be the sum of the request and response times to live, plus some amount for the service processing time.
The priority of the request message.
The user ID required to access the request destination.
The password required to access the request destination.
The reliability of the reply message.
The amount of time (in milliseconds) before the reply times out. A zero value indicates that the reply never times out.
The priority of the reply message.
Other properties
We can also include user-defined properties in the URL. These properties must be named with a user. prefix. For example:
sib:/destination?destinationName=myBus:myDestination & reliability=assured & user.customData=XYZAfter the request is sent, the URL itself is available within the message properties, named inbound.url.