Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)
createSIBEngine command
Use the createSIBEngine command to create a messaging engine for a server or cluster bus member by using the wsadmin tool. When you add a server or a cluster as a member of a service integration bus, at least one messaging engine is created automatically. Use the createSIBEngine command to create an additional messaging engine for a cluster bus member.
Each server bus member has exactly one messaging engine, but cluster bus members can support additional engines. If you create an additional messaging engine for a cluster, and you use a data store for the message store, explicitly configure both the data store and the JDBC data source that the messaging engine uses to interact with the data store. Create the data source at cluster scope, not node scope. For more information about creating messaging engines, see Configure a data source for a messaging engine running in a cluster.
To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:
- For a list of the available service integration bus commands in Jython and a brief description of each command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:
- For overview help on a given command, run at the wsadmin prompt:
After using the command, save changes to the master configuration; for example, by using the following command:
The createSIBEngine command creates a new messaging engine for a server or cluster bus member. Use this command to create an additional messaging engine for a cluster bus member.
If the cluster has messaging engine policy assistance enabled and the scalability or scalability with high availability policy specified, the messaging engine settings are created automatically to conform with the specified policy.
After you use this command, if the cluster has messaging engine policy assistance enabled and the custom policy specified, you can create a core group policy for a messaging engine by using the createMissingSIBEnginePolicy command.
Target object
Required parameters
-bus bus_name
The name of the service integration bus on which the bus member is configured. We can use the listSIBuses command to list the names of existing buses.
Conditional parameters
-node node_name
-server server_name
To create a messaging engine for a server that is a bus member, specify both the name of the node on which the server runs, and the name of the server.
-cluster cluster_name
To create a messaging engine for a server cluster that is a bus member, specify the name of the cluster.
Optional parameters
-description text
An optional description for the messaging engine, for administrative purposes.
-initialState STARTED | STOPPED
The initial state determines whether the messaging engine is started automatically when the server or server cluster is started.
When the associated application server is started, the messaging engine is started and is available to process messages.
When the associated application server is started, the messaging engine is stopped and is not available to process messages.
-highMessageThreshold number
The maximum total number of messages that the messaging engine can place on its message points. When the messaging engine is created, the high message threshold of the bus is used to set the default value for this property. When a message point is created on this messaging engine, the value of this property is used to set the default high message threshold for the message point.
-failover TRUE | FALSE
A parameter that specifies whether the messaging engine in the cluster can fail over to another server in the cluster if the host server for the messaging engine fails. This parameter has two possible values:
The messaging engine can fail over.
The messaging engine cannot fail over. The default value is FALSE. Use this parameter if the cluster has messaging engine policy assistance enabled and the custom policy specified.
To do this, use the addSIBusMember or modifySIBusMemberPolicy commands.
-failback TRUE | FALSE
A parameter that specifies whether the messaging engine in the cluster that has failed over can fail back to a more preferred server in the preferred servers list if that server becomes available again. This parameter has two possible values:
The messaging engine can fail back. If you use this option, supply a -preferredServerList parameter.
The messaging engine cannot fail back. The default value is FALSE. Use this parameter if the cluster has messaging engine policy assistance enabled and the custom policy set.
To do this, you use the addSIBusMember or modifySIBusMemberPolicy commands.
-preferredServersOnly TRUE | FALSE
A parameter that specifies whether the messaging engine in the cluster can run only on servers in the preferred servers list, or on any server in the cluster. This parameter has two possible values:
The messaging engine can run only on servers in the preferred servers list. If you use this option, supply a -preferredServerList parameter.
The messaging engine can run on any server in the cluster. The default value is FALSE. Use this parameter if the cluster has messaging engine policy assistance enabled and the custom policy set.
To do this, use the addSIBusMember or modifySIBusMemberPolicy commands.
-preferredServerList {{node_name server_name }
The list of servers, in order of preference, on which the messaging engine in the cluster prefers to run. For each server in the list, specify both the name of the node on which the server runs, and the name of the server. There is no default value for this parameter. Use this parameter if the cluster has messaging engine policy assistance enabled and the custom policy set. To do this, use the addSIBusMember or modifySIBusMemberPolicy commands.
Create a file store to use as a message store for the messaging engine.A file store is a type of message store that directly uses files in a file system through the operating system. The alternative is to use a data store. See the related links.
-logSize size
The size of the log file in MB. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-logDirectory directory_name
The name of the log file directory if you do not want to use the default log directory. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-minPermanentStoreSize size
The minimum size of the permanent store file in MB. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-minTemporaryStoreSize size
The minimum size of the temporary store file in MB. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-maxPermanentStoreSize size
The maximum size of the permanent store file in MB. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-maxTemporaryStoreSize size
The maximum size of the temporary store file in MB. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-unlimitedPermanentStoreSize TRUE | FALSE
A parameter that specifies whether the permanent store size is unlimited. This parameter has two possible values:
The permanent store size is unlimited.
The permanent store size is limited. If you use this option, supply a -maxPermanentStoreSize parameter. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-unlimitedTemporaryStoreSize TRUE | FALSE
A parameter that specifies whether the temporary store size is unlimited. This parameter has two possible values:
The temporary store size is unlimited.
The temporary store size is limited. If you use this option, supply a -maxTemporaryStoreSize parameter. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-permanentStoreDirectory directory_name
The name of the permanent store directory if you do not want to use the default permanent store directory. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
-temporaryStoreDirectory directory_name
The name of the temporary store directory if you do not want to use the default temporary store directory. Use this parameter if the -fileStore parameter is specified.
Create a data store to use as a message store for the messaging engine. A data store consists of the set of tables that a messaging engine uses to store persistent data in a database. See Data store tables for a list of the tables that comprise a data store. All the tables in a data store are held in the same database schema. We can create multiple data stores in the same database, provided that you use a different schema name for each data store. The alternative is to use file store (the default). For more information, see the related links.
-createDefaultDatasource TRUE | FALSE
A parameter that specifies whether to create a default data source when the messaging engine is created. This parameter has two possible values:
Create a default data source.
Do not create a default data source. Use this parameter if the -dataStore parameter is specified. Do not use this parameter if the -cluster parameter is specified.
-datasourceJndiName jndi_name
The JNDI name of the data source that the messaging engine uses to access the relational database management system (RDBMS) for the data store. Use this parameter if the -dataStore parameter is specified.
-authAlias auth_alias
The name of the authentication alias that the messaging engine uses to connect to the database in its data store. Use this parameter if the -dataStore parameter is specified.
-createTables TRUE | FALSE
A parameter that specifies whether to create the database tables for the data source automatically. This parameter has two possible values:
Create the database tables for the data source.
Do not create the database tables for the data source. If you use this option, the database administrator must create the tables. Use this parameter if the -dataStore parameter is specified.
-schemaName schema_name
The name of the database schema that contains the tables for the data store, if you do not want to use the default schema name. For details about the default schema, see Create users and schemas in the database. Use this parameter if the -dataStore parameter is specified. Depending on the choice of the message store and its attributes, you specify different combinations of the parameters.
To avoid errors when you specify the message store for the messaging engine, see Avoiding errors when creating a messaging engine with a file store or a data store by using wsadmin.
Create a messaging engine for cluster1 on bus1 that uses a default file store.
AdminTask.createSIBEngine ('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1]')Create a messaging engine for cluster1 on bus1 that uses a file store with defaults.
AdminTask.createSIBEngine ('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 -fileStore]')Create a messaging engine for cluster1 on bus1 that uses a file store with options.
AdminTask.createSIBEngine ('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 -fileStore -logSize 3636363 -logDirectory C:\mylogdirectory]')Create a messaging engine for cluster1 on bus1 that uses a data store with defaults.
AdminTask.createSIBEngine ('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 -dataStore]')Create a messaging engine for cluster1 on bus1 that uses a data store with options.
AdminTask.createSIBEngine ('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 -dataStore -createDefaultDatasource true -datasourceJndiName myjndi]')Add a new messaging engine to cluster1 that is a member of bus1 and that uses a file store as the message store for the messaging engine.
AdminTask.createSIBEngine('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 -fileStore true -logSize 100 -minPermanentStoreSize 200 -maxPermanentStoreSize 500 -unlimitedPermanentStoreSize false -permanentStoreDirectory C:\myfilestore -minTemporaryStoreSize 200 -maxTemporaryStoreSize 500 -unlimitedTemporaryStoreSize false -temporaryStoreDirectory C:\myfilestore -logDirectory C:\myfilestore ]')Add a new messaging engine to cluster1 that is a member of bus1, where cluster1 has messaging engine policy assistance enabled and the custom messaging engine policy specified. Use a file store as the message store for the messaging engine. Set the messaging engine to fail over, not to fail back, and to run only on server1 and server2.
AdminTask.createSIBEngine('[-bus bus1 -cluster cluster1 -fileStore true -logSize 100 -minPermanentStoreSize 200 -maxPermanentStoreSize 500 -unlimitedPermanentStoreSize false -permanentStoreDirectory C:\myfilestore -minTemporaryStoreSize 200 -maxTemporaryStoreSize 500 -unlimitedTemporaryStoreSize false -temporaryStoreDirectory C:\myfilestore -logDirectory C:\myfilestore -failover true -failback false -preferredServersOnly true -preferredServerList [[node1 server1] [node2 server2]]]')
Messaging engine policy assistance
High availability messaging engine policy
Scalability messaging engine policy
Scalability with high availability messaging engine policy
Relative advantages of a file store and a data store
Add a messaging engine to a cluster
addSIBusMember command
modifySIBusMemberPolicy command
createMissingSIBEnginePolicy command