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Run WASPostUpgrade from v8 DMGR_PROFILE
Step 8: Scenario 2: Migrating cells across operating systems using the command-line toolsUse the WASPostUpgrade command to restore the previous dmgr configuration that you saved in the migration backup directory. If you use the options shown in the example, all the ports are carried forward, and all applications are installed.
- Restore the saved dmgr configuration into the new v8.0 dmgr profile. For example:
cd version_8.0_install_root/bin/ ./ /mybackup_new_host/v61v8dmgr01 -profileName v61v8dmgr01 -oldProfile 61dmgr01 -replacePorts TRUE -backupConfig TRUE -scriptCompatibility TRUE -keepDmgrEnabled TRUE -username myuser -password mypasswhere mybackup_new_host is the directory to which you are migrating your files.
- The script compatibility flag on your dmgr must be the same as the flag that you use on your nodes. Save the value of the script compatibility flag for later use.
- After the WASPostUpgrade command completes successfully, do not start the new dmgr. We must complete a few more steps before starting the new dmgr.
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