Web services - IBM WAS ND v8.0
- 1. Learn about SAML.
- SAML concepts
- SAML assertions defined in the SAML Token Profile standard
- Default policy sets and sample bindings for SAML
- Overview of API for SAML
- SAML usage scenarios
- Limitations of the SAML implementation
- 2. Configure SAML application support.
- Secure messages using SAML
- Signing SAML tokens at the message level
- Configure policy sets and bindings to communicate with STS
- Configure client and provider bindings for the SAML bearer token
- Configure client and provider bindings for the SAML holder-of-key symmetric key token
- Configure client and provider bindings for the SAML sender-vouches token
- Manage self-issue SAML token configuration using wsadmin
- 3. Develop and assemble a SAML application.
- Develop SAML applications
- Create a SAML bearer token using the API
- Create a SAML holder-of-key token using the API
- Propagation of SAML tokens using the API
- Web services client token cache for SAML
- 4. Deploy the SAML application.
- Deploy applications that use SAML
- Propagate SAML tokens
- Create SAML attributes in SAML tokens
- SAML user attributes
- Establishing security context for web services clients using SAML security tokens
- Authenticate web services using generic security token login modules
- 1. Learn about generic security token login modules.
- Generic security token login modules
- Generic security token login module for the token generator
- Generic security token login module for the token consumer
- 2. Administering a generic security token login module.
- Configure a generic security token login module for an authentication token: Token generator
- Configure a generic security token login module for an authentication token: Token consumer
- Configure LTPA and working with keys
- 1. Configure LTPA and generate the first LTPA keys.
- Configure the LTPA authentication mechanism
- Start and logging off the administrative console
- 2. Generate keys manually or automatically, and control the number of active keys.
- Generate LTPA keys
- Disable automatic generation of LTPA keys
- Work with nodes - groups of managed servers
- Managed and unmanaged nodes
- Node groups
- Manage nodes
- Recover or move nodes with addNode -asExistingNode
- Change the node host names
- Start and stop a node
- WAS default directories
- Configure node groups
- Add node group members
- Manage node agents
- Configure remote file services
- Start an application server
- WAS default directories
- Activating LTPA key versions
- 3. Import and export keys.
- Disable automatic generation of LTPA keys
- Export LTPA keys
- Import LTPA keys
- Manage node agents
- Start an application server
- WAS default directories
- 4. Manage keys from multiple cells.
- Manage LTPA keys from multiple WAS cells
- Start an application server
- WAS default directories
- Customize application login with JAAS
- 1. Develop programmatic logins with JAAS.
- Develop programmatic logins with the JAAS
- Programmatic login for JAAS
- 2. Configure programmatic logins with JAAS.
- Configure programmatic logins for JAAS
- Manage Java 2 Connector Architecture authentication data entries for JAAS
- 3. Customize an application login to perform an identity assertion using JAAS.
- Customize an application login to perform an identity assertion using JAAS
- 4. Configure a server-side JAAS authentication and login configuration.
- Customize a server-side JAAS authentication and login configuration
- Get the caller subject from the thread for JAAS
- Get the RunAs subject from the thread for JAAS
- Ovveride the RunAs subject on the thread for JAAS
- Revoking users from a cache for JAAS
- Enable identity assertion with trust validation using JAAS
- Create a single sign-on for HTTP requests using SPNEGO Web authentication
- 1. Create a Kerberos service principal (SPN) and keytab file on your Microsoft domain controller machine
- Create a Kerberos service principal (SPN) and keytab file on your Microsoft domain controller machine
- 2. Create a Kerberos configuration file
- Create a Kerberos configuration file
- 3. Configure and enable SPNEGO web authentication on your WAS machine
- Enable and configuring SPNEGO web authentication
- Set SPNEGO web authentication filters
- 4. Configure the client application on the client application machine
- Configure the client browser to use SPNEGO
- 5. Create SPNEGO tokens for J2EE, .NET, Java, web service clients for HTTP requests (optional)
- Create SPNEGO tokens for J2EE, .NET, Java, web service clients for HTTP requests
- Set up Kerberos as the authentication mechanism for WAS
- 1. Create a Kerberos service principal name and keytab file
- Create a Kerberos service principal name and keytab file
- 2. Create a Kerberos configuration file
- Create a Kerberos configuration file
- 3. Configure Kerberos as the authentication mechanism for WebSphere Application Sever
- Configure Kerberos as the authentication mechanism
- 4. Map a client Kerberos principal name to the WebSphere user registry ID
- Map of a client Kerberos principal name to the WebSphere user registry ID
- 5. Set up Kerberos as the authentication mechanism for the pure Java client (optional)
- Configure a Java client for Kerberos authentication
- Task overview: Accessing data from applications
- 1. Develop data access applications.
- Develop data access applications
- Develop data access applications
- Use Bean Validation in RAR modules
- Bean validation in RAR modules
- Troubleshoot bean validation in RAR modules
- JCA 1.6 support for annotations in RAR modules
- Recreating database tables from the exported table data definition language
- Application performance and entity bean behavior
- Manipulating synchronization of entity beans and datastores
- Avoiding ejbStore invocations on non-modified EntityBean instances
- Benefits of resource references
- Requirements for setting data access isolation levels
- Data source lookups for enterprise beans and web modules
- Direct and indirect JNDI lookup methods for data sources
- Access intent service
- Access data using Java EE Connector Architecture connectors
- Access data from application clients
- Service Data Objects version 2.1.1
- Create and accessing SDO HelperContext objects
- Use SDO 2.1.1 in SCA applications
- SDO data binding for SCA applications
- Use a top-down approach to develop SCA components that use SDO
- Use a bottom-up approach to develop SCA components that use SDO
- Access default HelperContext objects in SCA applications
- Implement shared scopes in SCA applications that use SDO
- Data access with Service DataObjects, API versions 1.0 and 2.01
- Java DataBase Connectivity Mediator Service
- Metadata for Data Mediator Service
- Define optimistic concurrency control for JDBC Mediator
- Enterprise JavaBeans Data Mediator Service
- XREL keyword
- Use the Java Database Connectivity data mediator service for data access
- Use the EJB data mediator service for data access
- Develop a custom DataStoreHelper class
- Change the error detection model to use the Exception Checking Model
- Exceptions pertaining to data access
- WAS default directories
- 2. Assemble data access applications using the assembly tool.
- Assembling data access applications
- Create or changing a resource reference
- Assembling resource adapter (connector) modules
- 3. Prepare for deployment by ensuring that the appropriate database objects are available.
- Deploy data access applications
- Install a resource adapter archive
- Install resource adapters embedded within applications
- Deploy SQLJ applications
- Deploy SQLJ applications that use container-managed persistence (CMP)
- Deploy SQLJ applications that use container-managed persistence (CMP) with the ejbdeploy tool
- Deploy SQLJ applications that use bean-managed persistence, servlets, or sessions beans
- Customize and binding profiles for Structured Query Language in Java (SQLJ) applications
- Customize and binding SQLJ profiles with the db2sqljcustomize tool
- Use embedded SQLJ with the DB2 for z/OS Legacy driver
- WAS default directories
- 4. Install the application on the application server.
- Administer data access applications
- Configure Java EE Connector connection factories in the administrative console
- Configure connection factories for resource adapters within applications
- WAS default directories
- Resource workload routing
- Data source resource definition in applications
- Bean validation in RAR modules
- Troubleshoot bean validation in RAR modules
- JCA 1.6 support for annotations in RAR modules
- Establishing custom finder SQL dynamic enhancement server-wide
- Establishing custom finder SQL dynamic enhancement on a set of beans
- Configure resource adapters
- WAS default directories
- Update a stand-alone resource adapter archive
- Map resource manager connection factory references to resource factories
- Manage messages with message endpoints
- Configure a JDBC provider and data source
- Configure a JDBC provider
- Configure a JDBC provider for a clustered environment
- Configure a data source
- Disable statement pooling
- Set up a connection to an HADR-enabled DB2 database
- Create and configuring a JDBC provider and data source using the JMX API
- Access an existing Java EE data source resource
- Use the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver to access DB2 for z/OS
- Configure two resource reference files on the same data source
- Create a data source that uses the Oracle JDBC Driver for OCI
- Configure Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) with the application server
- Configure a simple RAC configuration in an application server cluster
- Configure Oracle connection caching in the application server
- Configure two-phase commit distributed transactions with Oracle RAC
- Configure client reroute for applications that use DB2 databases
- Configure client affinities for applications that use DB2 databases
- Verify a data source connection
- Test connection service
- Test a connection with the administrative console
- Test a connection using wsadmin
- Configure connection validation timeout
- Performing platform-specific tasks for JDBC access
- Enable client information tracing with the administrative console
- Manage resources through JCA lifecycle management operations
- Install enterprise application files
- Installable enterprise module versions
- Ways to install enterprise applications or modules
- Implement web services applications with JAX-WS
- 1. Set up a development environment for web services.
- Set up a development environment for web services
- 2. Determine the existing JavaBeans or enterprise beans to expose as a JAX-WS web service.
- 3. Develop JAX-WS web services with annotations.
- Develop JAX-WS web services with annotations
- WAS default directories
- 4. Generate Java artifacts for JAX-WS applications.
- Generate Java artifacts for JAX-WS applications
- WAS default directories
- 5. (optional) Enable MTOM for JAX-WS web services.
- Enable MTOM for JAX-WS web services
- WAS default directories
- 6. (optional) Enforce adherence to WSDL bindings in JAX-WS web services.
- Enforcing adherence to WSDL bindings in JAX-WS web services
- 7. (optional) Develop and configure a webservices.xml deployment descriptor for JAX-WS applications.
- Develop a webservices.xml deployment descriptor for JAX-WS applications
- WAS default directories
- 8. Complete the implementation of your web services application.
- Complete the JavaBeans implementation for JAX-WS applications
- Complete the EJB implementation for JAX-WS applications
- 9. (Optional) Customize URL patterns in the web.xml file.
- Customize URL patterns in the web.xml file for JAX-WS applications
- 10. Assemble the artifacts for your web service.
- Assembling web services applications
- Assembling a JAR file that is enabled for web services from an enterprise bean
- Assembling a web services-enabled enterprise bean JAR file from a WSDL file
- Assembling a WAR file that is enabled for web services from Java code
- Assembling a web services-enabled WAR file from a WSDL file
- Assembling an enterprise bean JAR file into an EAR file
- Assembling a web services-enabled WAR into an EAR file
- Enable an EAR file for EJB modules that contain web services
- Enable an EAR file for web services with the endptEnabler command
- 11. Deploy the EAR file into the application server.
- Deploy web services applications onto application servers
- JAX-WS application deployment model
- Use a third-party JAX-WS web services engine
- 12. Test the web service to make sure that the service works with the application server.
- Test web services-enabled clients
- Implement web services applications from existing WSDL files with JAX-WS
- 1. Set up a development environment for web services.
- Set up a development environment for web services
- 2. Develop Java artifacts for JAX-WS applications using the wsimport command-line tool.
- Generate Java artifacts for JAX-WS applications from a WSDL file
- 3. (optional) Enable MTOM for JAX-WS web services.
- Enable MTOM for JAX-WS web services
- WAS default directories
- 4. (optional) Enforce adherence to WSDL bindings in JAX-WS web services.
- Enforcing adherence to WSDL bindings in JAX-WS web services
- 5. (optional) Develop and configure a webservices.xml deployment descriptor for JAX-WS applications.
- Develop a webservices.xml deployment descriptor for JAX-WS applications
- WAS default directories
- 6. Complete the implementation of your web service application.
- Complete the JavaBeans implementation for JAX-WS applications
- Complete the EJB implementation for JAX-WS applications
- 7. (Optional) Customize URL patterns in the web.xml file.
- Customize URL patterns in the web.xml file for JAX-WS applications
- 8. Assemble the artifacts for your web service.
- Assembling web services applications
- Assembling a JAR file that is enabled for web services from an enterprise bean
- Assembling a web services-enabled enterprise bean JAR file from a WSDL file
- Assembling a WAR file that is enabled for web services from Java code
- Assembling a web services-enabled WAR file from a WSDL file
- Assembling an enterprise bean JAR file into an EAR file
- Assembling a web services-enabled WAR into an EAR file
- Enable an EAR file for EJB modules that contain web services
- Enable an EAR file for web services with the endptEnabler command
- 9. Deploy the EAR file into the application server.
- Deploy web services applications onto application servers
- JAX-WS application deployment model
- Use a third-party JAX-WS web services engine
- 10. Test the web service to make sure that the service works with the application server.
- Test web services-enabled clients
- Implement static JAX-WS web services clients
- 1. Obtain the WSDL document for the web service to access.
- 2. Develop JAX-WS client artifacts from a WSDL file.
- Develop a JAX-WS client from a WSDL file
- Develop deployment descriptors for a JAX-WS client
- 3. Complete the client implementation.
- 4. (Optional) Assemble a web services-enabled client JAR file into an EAR file.
- Assembling a web services-enabled client JAR file into an EAR file
- 5. (Optional) Assemble a web services-enabled client WAR file into an EAR file.
- Assembling a web services-enabled client WAR file into an EAR file
- 6. (Optional) Deploy the web services client application.
- Deploy web services client applications
- 7. Test the web services-enabled client application.
- Test web services-enabled clients
- Implement dynamic JAX-WS web services clients
- 1. Develop a dynamic web services client.
- Develop a dynamic client using JAX-WS APIs
- 2. (Optional) Assemble a web services-enabled client JAR file into an EAR file.
- Assembling a web services-enabled client JAR file into an EAR file
- 3. (Optional) Assemble a web services-enabled client WAR file into an EAR file.
- Assembling a web services-enabled client WAR file into an EAR file
- 4. (Optional) Deploy the web services client application.
- Deploy web services client applications
- 5. Test the web services-enabled client application.
- Test web services-enabled clients
- Implement JAX-RS web applications
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 5. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use XML content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement a resource method using JAXB objects for XML content.
- Implement a resource method using JAXB objects for XML content
- Use JAXB for XML data binding
- Use schemagen to generate an XML schema file from a Java class
- Use JAXB xjc tooling to generate JAXB classes from an XML schema file
- Use the JAXB runtime to marshal and unmarshal XML documents
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use JSON content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement a resource method using JSON content for a request and response entity.
- Use Jackson with plain old Java objects (POJOs)
- Implement a JSON representation of a resource with Jackson and JAXB annotated objects
- Implement a resource method using IBM JSON4J
- WAS default directories
- Implement a JSON resource method using JAXB annotated objects with IBM JSON4J
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use multipart/form-data content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement a resource method to receive multipart/form-data parts from an HTML form submission.
- Configure a resource to receive multipart/form-data parts from an HTML form submission
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use Atom content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement JAXB-based ATOM content for requests and responses
- Use the JAXB-based Atom model for requests and responses
- WAS default directories
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use custom entity formats
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement custom entity formats.
- Implement custom entity formats
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use content negotiation to serve multiple content types in JAX-RS applications
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement content negotiation to serve multiple content types.
- Implement content negotiation based on URL patterns
- Implement content negotiation based on request parameters
- Implement content negotiation based on HTTP headers
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use JAX-RS context objects to obtain more information about requests
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Add context fields and parameters to obtain information about requests.
- Obtaining HTTP headers using HttpHeaders objects
- Obtaining information about URIs using UriInfo objects
- Evaluate request preconditions using Request objects
- Determine security information using SecurityContext objects
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Implement RESTful views of EJB applications using JAX-RS
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement RESTful views of enterprise beans.
- Implement RESTful views of a no-interface EJB
- Implement RESTful views of an EJB with local interfaces
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use Java contexts and dependency injection with JAX-RS
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implementing JAX-RS resources with JCDI functionality.
- Implement JAX-RS resources with dependency injection
- Implement JAX-RS resources with different lifecycle scopes
- Implement a JAX-RS resource with decorators and method interceptors
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use handlers to enhance request and response processing
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement user handlers for your JAX-RS application.
- Implement user handlers for JAX-RS applications
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use multipart content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement a resource using multipart messages
- Implement resources using multipart messages
- WAS default directories
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use multipart/form-data content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Implement a resource method to receive multipart/form-data parts from an HTML form submission.
- Configure a resource to receive multipart/form-data parts from an HTML form submission
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Implement secure JAX-RS applications
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Secure JAX-RS applications within the web container.
- Secure JAX-RS applications within the web container
- WAS default directories
- 5. Secure JAX-RS resources using annotations.
- Secure JAX-RS resources using annotations
- 6. (optional) Secure downstream JAX-RS resources.
- Secure downstream JAX-RS resources
- 7. (optional) Secure JAX-RS clients using SSL.
- Secure JAX-RS clients using SSL
- 8. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 9. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- 10. Administer the secure JAX-RS application.
- Administer secure JAX-RS applications
- Use WADL to generate service documentation
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Define the resources in JAX-RS web applications.
- Define the resources in RESTful applications
- Define the URI patterns for resources in RESTful applications
- Define resource methods for RESTful applications
- Define the HTTP headers and response codes for RESTful applications
- Define media types for resources in RESTful applications
- Define parameters for request representations to resources in RESTful applications
- Define exception mappers for resource exceptions and errors
- 3. Configure the JAX-RS application.
- Configure JAX-RS web applications
- Configure JAX-RS applications using JAX-RS 1.1 methods
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS servlets
- Configure the web.xml file for JAX-RS filters
- 4. Use WADL to generate service documentation.
- Serving a WADL document for your resources
- Disable generation of WADL documents for HTTP OPTIONS requests
- 5. Assemble JAX-RS web applications.
- Assembling JAX-RS web applications
- Assembly tools
- 6. Deploy JAX-RS web applications.
- Deploy JAX-RS web applications
- Use the Apache Wink REST client inside server applications to issue requests
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Implement a client using the Apache Wink Rest client.
- Implement clients using the Apache Wink REST client
- Use the Apache Wink REST client as a stand-alone thin client
- 1. Configure the development environment.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
- Assembly tools
- WAS default directories
- 2. Implement a client using the unmanaged RESTful web services JAX-RS client.
- Implement a client using the unmanaged RESTful web services JAX-RS client