Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > End-to-end paths > Web services - RESTful services > Use JSON content in JAX-RS application requests and responses > 4. Implement a resource method using JSON content for a request and response entity.

Implement a JSON representation of a resource with Jackson and JAXB annotated objects

We can process JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) requests and responses with Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) annotated objects and Jackson. Jackson is the default JSON processor in WAS. By default, it is included in the JAX-RS runtime environment so you do not need to configure Jackson.

This task provides instructions for processing JSON requests and responses with JAXB annotated objects and Jackson.


  1. Create a resource method. For the resource method to return JSON content, return an instance of a JAXB class directly or return a object with a JAXB object as the response entity. We must also either add an @Produces("application/json") annotation, or set the Content-Type header in your Response object to be "application/json". The following example illustrates simple JSON return methods for the BookList JAXB class:
    public BookList getBookList() {
        BookList list = /* get a book list */
        return list;
    public getBookList() {
        BookList list = /* get a book list */
        return Response.ok(list).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).build();

  2. To return both XML and JSON objects, you can reuse the same method with minimal modification. We must specify "application/xml", "application/json", and "text/xml" in the @Produces annotation. The following example illustrates a simple JSON return method that returns a BookList object for the BookList JAXB class:
    @Produces("application/json", "application/xml", "text/xml")
    public BookList getBookList() {
        BookList list = /* get a book list */
        return list;
    The following example illustrates a simple JSON return method that returns a object for the BookList JAXB class:
    @Produces("application/json", "application/xml", "text/xml")
    public getBookList() {
        BookList list = /* get a book list */
        return Response.ok(list).build();
    Content negotiation through the client request's Accept HTTP header helps determine whether a JSON or XML representation is returned by the resource method. Read about content negotiation for more information. By reusing the JAXB annotated objects, you can shorten the development time to serve both JSON and XML from the same code. Reusing the same model code can be beneficial if specific JSON or XML formatted output is not required.

    If you require specific XML and JSON output and cannot reuse the same JAXB annotated classes, one way to solve the problem is to use two different resource methods. The JSON resource method must be annotated with an @Produces("application/json") annotation and the XML resource method must be annotated with an @Produces("application/xml", "text/xml") annotation.


You have returned a JSON representation with JAXB annotated classes through the Jackson JSON processor.
Use JSON content in JAX-RS application requests and responses
Use content negotiation to serve multiple content types in JAX-RS applications



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