Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Troubleshoot and Support > Support issues and limitations > Virtual member manager schema issues and limitations
Schema registry corruption or schema violation errors
Follow these steps to troubleshoot if the virtual member manager schema registry gets corrupted or a schema violation error occurs.
The virtual member manager schema registry gets corrupted or a schema violation error is displayed.
This problem might be caused in a multiple security domain environment, if the application invokes virtual member manager APIs in local mode.
Set the following system property on the client JVM: you do not set this system property, the default EMF implementation is in effect, which does not support multiple security domain environment, and might lead to schema corruption and schema violation error.
Limitation: EMF schema corruption might also occur when a remote EJB client accesses EMF in a multiple domain security environment, if the EJB client is on a server process that is not WAS or is prior to WAS version 8.0. This is a limitation in multiple security domain environment because a remote EJB client process can use a maximum of one domain service at a time. If a remote EJB client tries to operate on multiple domain services simultaneously, the EMF schema registry of the client process gets corrupted and unexpected schema violation error occurs in the client application.
Parent topic: Virtual member manager schema issues and limitations