Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Reference > Virtual member manager APIs > ProfileService interface

get method

Use the get method to retrieve the information of an entity or entities.


The get method returns the requested information of the specified entities. For example, the properties, the groups that the entity belongs to, the ancestors, or descendants of the entity.

To retrieve an entity, the entity data object with its Identifier is added under the root data object. Multiple entities can be retrieved in one get method call by adding multiple entity data objects under the root.

By specifying different controls, different information can be returned. For example, PropertyControl is used for returning the properties of the entities. GroupMembershipControl is used for returning groups that the entities belong to.

SortControl is ignored in the ProfileManager, if the requested entities were returned by an asynchronous adapter. In this case, results are sorted depending on the sorting functions supported by the asynchronous adapter.



Root data object containing the request information.


The root data object containing the requested information.

The password property is returned only if the underlying repository returns it. The password is returned in the same form that the underlying repository returns the password to virtual member manager.



public DataObject get(DataObject root) throws WIMException, RemoteException

Parent topic: ProfileService interface


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