Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Configure virtual member manager > Adapters > File adapter
Configure a file adapter
The file adapter is configured using the console or the wsadmin commands. See the WebSphere Application Server administrative console documentation.
About this task
File adapter configuration information is defined in wimconfig.xml. During virtual member manager initialization, the RepositoryManager calls the FileAdapter.initialize() method and passes the Repository DataObject. The file adapter is configured as the default user registry in virtual member manager.
Parameter name Definition Possible values Default value id The unique repository ID defined in the virtual member manager instance. baseDirectory The base directory where the files are to be created. This directory must already exist. Global level: PROFILE_ROOT/config/cells/$CellName Domain level: PROFILE_ROOT/config/waspolicies/$PolicyName/securitydomains/$DomainName
fileRegistry.xml is copied for a new domain only if the source domain contains this file.
caseSensitive Whether the file adapter is case sensitive. true or false false saltLength The salt length of the randomly generated salt for password hashing 12 messageDigestAlgorithm The messageDigestAlgorithm used for hashing the password. SHA-1 fileName The file name for the repository. fileRegistry.xml The following code sample is an example of a basic wimconfig.xml file that has been configured to use the file repository, InternalFileRepository. We can modify the appropriate values that are shown in italic.
<config:repositories xsi:type="config:FileRepositoryType" adapterClassName="" id="InternalFileRepository" messageDigestAlgorithm="SHA-1"> <config:baseEntries name="o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm"/> </config:repositories>
Parent topic: File adapter