Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Configure virtual member manager > Adapters > Entry mapping repository adapter
Configure a entry mapping repository adapter
The entry mapping repository adapter is configured using the console or the wsadmin commands. See your WebSphere administrative console documentation. If modify this configuration, you can manually edit the wimconfig.xml file, although this is not the preferred method.
About this task
The following code sample is an example of a basic wimconfig.xml file that has been configured to use a entry mapping repository adapter. We can modify the appropriate values that are shown in italic.<config:repositories xsi:type="config:EntryMappingRepositoryType" id="FED" databaseType="db2" dataSourceName="jdbc/wimFED" dbURL="jdbc:db2:wim" dbAdminId="DB_ADMIN_ID" dbAdminPassword="DB_PASSWORD"/>Tip: We can specify a user-defined database schema where to create the federated repository tables. Use the dbSchema parameter and the tablespacePrefix parameter (tablespacePrefix is for DB2 for z/OS only) with the setupIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables , deleteIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables, and setIdMgrEntryMappingRepository wsadmin commands.
You can also specify user-defined bufferpools when creating the federated repository tables on DB2 for z/OS. Use the tablesBufferPool parameter with the setupIdMgrEntryMappingRepositoryTables wsadmin command.
For more information about these commands, see the topics, IdMgrRepositoryConfig command group for the AdminTask object and Set up an entry mapping repository, a property extension repository, or a custom registry database repository using wsadmin commands in the WAS information center.
Parent topic: Entry mapping repository adapter