Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Configure virtual member manager > Adapters

Database adapter

Out-of-the-box, virtual member manager provides a default database profile repository (wimDB), that supports all common virtual member manager supported profile repository features.

The database repository is designed using relational database. The database adapter is a bridge between the virtual member manager profile and schema managers and the underlying database. The adapter looks up the data source and updates or queries the database using SQL queries.

The database repository supports all entity types that are predefined in the virtual member manager model schema definition, such as: Person, Group, OrgContainer, and PersonAccount. The database adapter can also support any user-defined entity types that extend from the virtual member manager standard schema. It creates the user-defined entities in the database during runtime.

The database repository supports predefined property definitions that are consistent with the virtual member manager schema, as well as dynamically defined new properties during runtime.

A database repository property definition extends the virtual member manager schema property definition. It contains:


Name of the property. This is a required property.

data type

Data type. String, Integer, Long, Double, Timestamp, Base64Binary, Identifier and Object are the default supported data types. If a property has user-defined data type, set Objects as data type and set the user-defined data type class name in the DBPROP table “classname” column. For example, to support a Boolean data type, set the “type_id” column OBJECT and set the “classname” column to java.lang.Boolean. This is a required property.

Supported data types are defined in the file.

applicable for entity types

List of entity types for which this property is applicable, for example, PersonAccount;Group. This is a required property.

required for entity types

List of entity types that require this property value to be set during the entity creation. This is an optional property.


Whether the database repository can store multiple values for a property. By default, multiValued is true. This is an optional parameter.


Name of metadata. By default, it is set to DEFAULT, which means that there is no associated metadata. This is an optional parameter.


Specifies if a property is read only. By default, it is false. This is an optional parameter.


Specifies if a property is case sensitive during the search. By default, it is set to true. This is an optional parameter.


Specifies he maximum length of a property if it is String type. The default value is 1500. For other data types, this property is ignored. This is an optional parameter.


Specifies if a property is a composite property. By default, it is false. This is an optional parameter.


Specifies user-defined data type. If a user-defined data type exists, the value of data type needs to be set to Object. This is an optional parameter.


Description of the property. This is an optional parameter.

application ID

ID of the application that uses this property. By default, the parameter is set to This is an optional parameter.

To predefine a database repository property before the virtual member manager is running, set the property definitions in the wimdbpropreties.xml file. The wimdbproperty.xsd. file is the schema file for the wimdbproperties.xml file.

Parent topic: Adapters
Configure a JDBC provider and datasource for virtual member manager


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