Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer the batch environment > Administer the batch environment

xJCL sample for a batch job

The following sample illustrates a batch job, which demonstrates that you can invoke existing session beans from within job steps.

<job name="PostingsSampleEar" xmlns:xsi="">


<checkpoint-algorithm name="${checkpoint}">
<prop name="interval" value="${checkpointInterval}" />

<results-algorithm name="jobsum">

<prop name="wsbatch.count" value="5" />  
<prop name="checkpoint" value="timebased" />  
<prop name="checkpointInterval" value="15" />  
<prop name="postingsDataStream" value="${was.install.root}${file.separator}temp${file.separator}postings" />

<job-step name="Step1">
<!-- apply checkpoint policy to step1 -->  
<checkpoint-algorithm-ref name="${checkpoint}" />
<results-ref name="jobsum"/>

<prop name="FILENAME" value="${postingsDataStream}" />              

<prop name="wsbatch.count" value="${wsbatch.count}" />

<job-step name="Step2">  
<step-scheduling condition="OR">
<returncode-expression step="Step1" operator="eq" value="0" />      
<returncode-expression step="Step1" operator="eq" value="4" />
<checkpoint-algorithm-ref name="${checkpoint}" />
<results-ref name="jobsum"/>

<prop name="FILENAME" value="${postingsDataStream}" />

<job-step name="Step3"> 
<returncode-expression step="Step2" operator="eq" value="4" /> 

<checkpoint-algorithm-ref name="${checkpoint}" /> 
<results-ref name="jobsum" />



xJCL elements
XML schema for a batch job


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