Investigating why publish/subscribe messages are not arriving at a subscription

There are a set of checks that we can carry out to investigate why publish/subscribe messages are not arriving at a subscription on a service integration bus. Complete the following preliminary checks before starting the investigation:

Complete the following checks if we have an application that is producing messages to a topic space destination, and a consuming application is not receiving the messages.


  1. Click Service integration > Buses > bus_name > [Destination resources] Destinations to display the destinations on the relevant bus. Click on the relevant topic space and under Message points, click Publication points. For each publication point listed, click the publication point then click Runtime > Subscriptions and look for the subscription. If the subscription is not listed on any of the publication points, there is an error in the consuming application.

  2. Determine which messaging engines the producing and consuming applications are connected to. See Determining which messaging engine an application is connected to.

  3. If the producing application is connected to the same messaging engine as the consuming application, the messages are being produced locally to the consumer. Recheck the producing and consuming applications, and check the system logs for errors.

  4. If the producing application is connected to a different messaging engine than the consuming application, the messages are being routed through a remote publication point. Refer to Investigating why publish/subscribe messages are not being received by a subscription through a remote message point to investigate this scenario.

Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST