Administer groups of nodes for the job manager
In a flexible management environment, we can create, modify, delete, and view groups of nodes. Groups of nodes make job submission simpler because we can submit a job for a group of nodes instead of a entering multiple node names for a job submission.
Before we can add a node to a group of nodes, have registered at least one node with the job manager.
Groups of nodes are particularly useful if you submit multiple jobs to the same set of nodes.
The first time you access the Groups of nodes collection panel, no groups of nodes are listed. You must create at least one group. You must then enter parameters for the Find option to obtain a list of groups of nodes based on the parameter information that you provide. The next time you select Jobs > Groups of nodes, a list of groups of nodes are displayed based on the parameters you last specified on the Find option for this job manager admin console panel. We can then optionally modify the Find option criteria to display a different set of groups of nodes. After at least one group of nodes is displayed, we can administer the groups of nodes by doing such tasks as adding and removing members for node groups, or deleting node groups.
- Create a group of nodes.
- Click Jobs > Groups of nodes in the job manager administrative console navigation.
- Click New.
- Enter the name of the group of nodes.
- Optionally enter a description.
- Optionally add members to or remove members from the group of nodes.
Members are nodes. We can add members to the group or delete members from the group now or later. Use the Add option, the Find option, or both options to add the members. Follow the steps on .
- Click Apply to save the changes, and then click OK to return to the collection page.
- Optionally use the Find option to display groups of nodes.
If no groups of nodes are displayed, use the Find option to display groups of nodes based on the parameter information that you enter.
- Click Jobs > Groups of nodes in the job manager administrative console navigation.
- Specify a valid operator and a text string.
- Click Find.
- Optionally add or remove the members in a group of node.
We can add and remove members from the group of nodes. Members are nodes.
- Click Jobs > Groups of nodes in the job manager administrative console navigation.
- Click one of the names of a group of nodes.
- To add a node, use the Add option, the Find option, or both.
- To use the Add option, type the name of the node in the Member list box, and then click Add.
- Continue to type the name of a node, and then click Add until you have added all the members.
- To use the Find option, click Find.
We can change the find criteria, and select the Find option multiple times to create the list you want.
- Enter criteria for the Find option by adding text for one or more options. For example, specify the node name as test* or test*a.
- After getting the list of nodes in the Chosen nodes list, click OK to return the list to the Groups of nodes panel.
- To remove a node, select the node, and click Remove.
- Click Apply, and then click OK.
- Optionally delete one or more groups of nodes.
- Click Jobs > Groups of nodes in the job manager administrative console navigation.
- Select one or more groups of nodes.
- Click Delete.
Depending on the tasks that you completed, we might have created a group of nodes, used the Find option to display groups of nodes, added or deleted members in the group of node, or deleted groups of nodes.
Next steps
We can continue to administer groups of nodes and do other job management tasks such as view nodes, submit jobs, and view node resources.
Groups of nodes collectionRelated concepts
Job managerRelated tasks
Administer nodes remotely using the job manager
Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST