Distributing files from the job manager to nodes
In a flexible management environment, we can submit the Distribute file job to copy files to managed nodes of the job manager. You must distribute files before we can submit jobs that use the files. For example, distribute an enterprise application before we can install or update the application on managed application server nodes. Similarly, distribute a properties file to managed appserver nodes before we can apply the file to configure the appservers.
Start the job manager. Ensure that the nodes to which you want to copy a file are registered with the job manager.
- To register a stand-alone appserver with the job manager, first use the admin agent registerNode command to register the stand-alone appserver with the admin agent. Then, use the admin agent console or registerWithJobManager command to register the stand-alone appserver node with the job manager.
- To register a dmgr with the job manager, use the dmgr console or the registerWithJobManager command.
Start the target nodes. If a target node is a stand-alone appserver, also start the admin agent.
Your ID at the job manager must be authorized for the administrator role or the operator role to submit jobs. When you submit a job, we can specify a user name and password for authentication and authorization at the target node or nodes. When you submit a job to multiple target nodes, the user name and password or the credentials for the submitter must apply all the job targets.
We can simplify administration of multiple nodes by submitting jobs against groups of nodes. Before we can submit a job for a group of nodes, create the group of nodes.
Use the admin console of the job manager to submit a job that moves a file to target nodes. From the job manager console, choose the Distribute file job, specify the file to transfer, specify job options, schedule the job, review the summary, and submit the job. When the job runs, the job manager copies the file into the downloadedContent directory of the admin agent or dmgr profile.
You must distribute a file before running the following jobs:
- Install application
- Update application
- Configure properties
- Run wsadmin script
This page describes how to run the Distribute file job using a job manager console. Instead of using the job manager console, we can run the distributeFile job script in the AdministrativeJobs command group to distribute the file to target nodes. See the Administrative job types topic.
- Copy the file to distribute to the /config/temp/JobManager directory of the job manager profile.
If the JobManager directory does not exist, create the JobManager directory in the job manager profile /config/temp directory. To create and access the directory, have the appropriate authority.
For example, copy the DynaCacheEsi.ear file from the APP_ROOT/installableApps directory to the /config/temp/JobManager directory of the job manager profile.
- Click Jobs > Submit from the navigation tree of the job manager administrative console.
- Choose a job to distribute a file.
- Select the Distribute file job type from the list.
- Optionally describe the job.
- Click Next.
- Choose the targets to which you want to distribute the file.
- Select a group of nodes from the list, or select Node names.
Only groups of nodes that are valid for the job type that you selected are displayed in the list of groups of nodes.
- If you selected Node names, then specify a node name and click Add, or click Find and specify the chosen nodes on the Find nodes page.
If the target nodes are stand-alone appservers that are administered by an admin agent, we can select one stand-alone target node instead of all the stand-alone target nodes. All the target nodes can use the file that is distributed to the downloadedContent directory of the admin agent.
- If user authentication is required, specify the user name and password.
- Click Next.
- Specify parameters for the distribute file job.
- For Source, specify the uniform resource locator (URL) for the file to distribute.
For the default distribution provider, the location is a file URL relative to the job manager profile config/temp/JobManager directory. For the DynaCacheEsi.ear file, specify the following:
file:/DynaCacheEsi.ear- For Destination, specify the location on the target node where the job manager stores the file. The destination parameter is relative to the downloadedContent directory of the admin agent or dmgr profile.
Remember the value that you specify for the file. If you later run a job that references this file, you use the destination value to identify the file. For the DynaCacheEsi.ear file, specify a value that identifies the file. For example:
dynacache_esi_sample- For Distribution provider, if you use a distribution provider other than the default distribution provider, specify the name of the distribution provider. For the DynaCacheEsi.ear example, do not specify a value and use the default distribution provider.
- Click Next.
- Schedule the job.
The times and dates that you specify are relative to the job manager.
- Optionally specify one or more e-mail addresses where notifications are sent when the job finishes.
If you specify multiple e-mail addresses, separate them with commas. The e-mail addresses are saved in the console preferences. Each e-mail address is validated for format errors.
- Select when the job is available for submission.
We can submit the job to be available now, or specify a time and date that the job is retrieved from the job manager.
- Select the job expiration.
The job expiration is the time at which the job will no longer be available for nodes to run. Use the default expiration, specify a time and date for the job expiration, or specify an amount of time in which the job expires. The default expiration is defined on the Job manager configuration panel.
- Optionally specify a recurring interval for the job, a start date and time for the interval, and an end date and time for the interval.
- Click Next.
- Review the summary, and click Finish to submit the job.
The job manager copies the file into the downloadedContent directory of the admin agent or dmgr profile. The name of the file is the destination.
For the DynaCacheEsi.ear example, a file named dynacache_esi_sample is copied to the downloadedContent directory.
Next steps
On the Job status page, click the ID of the distribute file job and view the job status. Click the status refresh icon
to refresh the displayed status.
If the job is not successful, view any error messages that result from running the job, correct the error condition, and submit the job again.
If the job manager successfully copies the file to the targeted nodes, submit jobs that use the distributed file:
- Install application
- Update application
- Configure properties
- Run wsadmin script
- Remove file
For the DynaCacheEsi.ear example, you can install the application.
Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST