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migrateWMQMLP command

Use the migrateWMQMLP command to migrate a WebSphere MQ message listener port definition to an activation spec definition.

To run the command, use AdminTask of the wsadmin scripting client.

This command is valid only when it is used with WAS V7 and later appservers. Do not use it with earlier versions.

For a list of the available WebSphere MQ messaging provider admin commands, plus a brief description of each command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:

print AdminTask.help('WMQAdminCommands')

For overview help on a given command, enter the following command at the wsadmin prompt:

print AdminTask.help('command_name')

After using the command, save the changes to the master configuration. For example, use the following command:




Use the migrateWMQMLP command to migrate a WebSphere MQ message listener port definition to an activation spec definition. After the activation specification has been created, we can delete the listener port.


Target object

The message listener port to be migrated.


Required parameters


The name of the activation spec to be created.


The JNDI name of the activation spec to be created.


The type of scope at which to create the activation specification (server, node, cluster or cell). Note that the cluster option is only supported when the server that contains the message listener port is part of a cluster. If not specified this defaults to server. The scopes specified are relative to the message listener port, so node is the node of the server that contains the message listener port.


Optional parameters




The following example shows how to migrate a message listener port to an activation specification.


Related tasks

Migrate a listener port to an activation spec for use with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
Use AdminTask for scripted administration
Start wsadmin



Mapping of admin console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names