WebSphere MQ custom properties



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WAS supports the use of custom properties to define WebSphere MQ properties, which enables WAS to work with later versions of MQ that might have properties that are not exposed in the WAS admin console.

In WAS V6.1 and later versions, the custom properties that you define are validated by the MQ client jar files contained in WAS. In previous versions, this was done within WAS itself, and then by the MQ client jar files. If we have defined a property not valid for MQ, the MQ client jar files create an exception, which is caught by WAS, and logged in SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log.

When a later version of MQ is available that is supported by the WAS installation, new MQ properties might be created that are not known to WAS. Configure these as custom properties through WAS so that they are recognized by the MQ client jars.

We can also configure WAS to point to the MQ client jars in the external JMS provider.



Mixed node scenario

In this scenario, a cell consists of a WAS V6.1 dmgr and four nodes. Two of the nodes are WAS V6.1 and two are WAS V6.0. If a MQ connection factory is defined at cell level and has custom properties defined that exploit the new fields available in MQ, V6, then the connection factory is only bound into the cells that are at V6.1 level. The WAS V6.0 nodes do not know about the new MQ properties and do not bind into the JNDI. The enhancements made to WAS V6.1 allow validation of the properties to be deferred to the MQ client jars.


Future version of MQ scenario

In this scenario a cell consists of WAS V6.1 dmgr and nodes. The MQ messaging provider is running at a level later than Version 6. WAS is using the default MQ client jars shipped with WAS, which are V6. In this scenario the MQ client jars are not aware of the new MQ properties so the validation fails and the connection factory does not bind into the JNDI.


Correctly configured scenario

In this scenario, which is similar to the previous one, a cell consists of WAS V6.1 dmgr and nodes. The MQ messaging provider is running at a level later than V6. To successfully use the new MQ properties it is necessary to configure the WAS to point to the MQ client jars associated with the future version of MQ.


Error message example

The following example shows the type of text that the exception created by the client jars contains:

[09/02/06 15:40:06:377 GMT] 0000000a ContainerImpl E WSVR0501E: Error creating component null [class com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.ApplicationServerImpl] com.ibm.ws.exception.RuntimeWarning: com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.binder.
ResourceBindingException: invalid configuration passed to resource binding logic.
REASON: Failed to create connection factory: Error raised constructing AdminObject, error code: XAQCF PropertyName : XAQCF PropertyName


Related concepts

Interoperation with MQ


Related tasks

Set custom properties for the MQ messaging provider